Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finally a weight loss show with which I agree

Okay, I like to watch TV, and the Biggest Loser is a pretty decent show.  My only beef is they concentrate SO HEAVILY on the exercise.  And as you know, I'm a big supporter of nutrition being a MAJOR part (like majority rules) of weight loss.  I'm watching Shedding for the Wedding.  It's interesting to me because they're all couples who are getting married (obviously) and they have a definite goal, not just to get healthy (don't get me wrong, that's a WONDERFUL goal, and it's mine!) but to get in a certain place, by a certain DATE, which adds some motivation.  Also, the winner will have they're dream wedding paid in full.  Now, that's a neat motivation.

Here's what I like about it:  They're on week 3 right now, and all 3 of the women who either half-arsed or didn't track at all in their required food journal didn't lose ANY weight, even though they kicked butt in the gym!  Now, I know it sounds like I'm celebrating their defeat, I'm not, I promise.  I'm celebrating the SOLID PROOF that nutrition matters as much or MORE as exercise.  All you have to do is look at how long you will have to run to burn of the ___________(fill in the blank).  For example.  One Kit Kat bar is 210 calories.  For that ONE bar, it will require you to work out on a stationary bike for 20 minutes.  

The trainers on this show say over and over that it's about what you eat.  I'm highly enjoying this.  

What's also cool, is each of the challenges is geared around a different part of the wedding. Tonight's challenge was about the flower arrangements.  Each of the couples got to sit down with a top flower designer and plan their flowers, and the one that won the challenge got their flowers for the wedding.  Next week is the rings.  

Then after the weigh in, the two couples at the bottom compete against each other at some challenge and the winner stays.  It's not house politics and voting.  

They also (for now at least) only show the combined couple total at the weigh in.  The next week at the first workout, they reveal which person lost how much of the total weight loss in each couple.  

I think I really enjoy this show.  I set it up to DVR :)

Until next time,

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