Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Sometimes it's hard to hang on to the pendulum

I started this post last September.  Funny, it's still an issue today.  Maybe not haha funny.  Ok, maybe funny is the wrong word. I'm laughing on the inside....maybe.  If I say maybe one more time.... ;)

I have ongoing issues with my knee, hip, and lower back that are in part caused by the extra weight and in part due to a specific injury.  Knee started 18 months ago, hip about 6 and lower back....well that's been a while.  Turns out having pooch out front puts pressure on your back.  

I did 4 months of aggressive PT for my knee and it made a huge difference!  Then I slowed my workout routine until it was pretty much non-existent.  Winter.  Bleh.  So last month I started back up again and guess what?!  I made the same mistake I always make.  OMG I'M SO HEALED AND MOTIVATED I'M GOING TO WORKOUT FOR AN HOUR.  I think you know where this is going.  Why?!  

Why does the pendulum have to swing so far to the extremes?  Can't we meet in the middle?  It's just less fun to start slow.  The beginning is so exciting, so motivating it's easy to get caught up in being excited for where I'll be in a couple months and skip all the progression needed to actually make it there.  

So I went back to injury mode and started feeling sorry for myself again.  Poor little me.  As a side note, it is really difficult to exercise with a knee injury.  Name one workout that doesn't involve the knee andddd GO.

I had the same feelings back after shoulder surgery.  I was big into running at the time and I was benched for 6 months.  It was rough.  I ate a lot which of course didn't help at all. But I digress.

We have a treadmill in the living room.  I literally have 0 excuses to not put on my brace and do 15 minutes.  I probably won't even sweat! Hey maybe I'm on to something there ;)

At work we have a wellness program that different activities earn points and points come together to become tiers and each tier is a certain amount of money I get.  I can redeem the money as Amazon gift cards (among a ton of other things) so it's basically cash.  So I need to get my butt on the treadmill and get my points!  I'll just keep reminding myself it's for the Amazon monies.  :)

Until next time,