Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sticker Shock

You know when you try on that cute dress, or fancy suit, and you turn over the price tag, and have a heart attack?  Yup, I know how you feel.  I do that when I track food after I eat it all the time.  Yes, after.  Not the most ingenious way to do it.  Not even recommended.  Don't hate, I'm tracking, I'll get to the before I eat it eventually.  

I usually try to do well when eating out.  Usually, I accomplish this.  I recently had pizza for dinner.  I really like pizza, and it's a big treat for me.  I used to be able to have two pieces of pizza and get out for around 10-12 points.  Doesn't sound like a lot of pizza for the points, but if I'm having a hankering for pizza, it's a pretty good deal.  Heh.  Well I assumed (I know, I know) that when I ate two slices of meat lovers stuffed crust pizza, that it would be the same.  Anyone could have told me (probably even me) that that was a foolish thought.  Well, I won't hold out any longer.  One piece is 13 points.  And I definitely had two. And a beer.  

Here's my thing.  I learned from this, this was all good.  I know now, that now that I'm getting smaller, that I can be sustained with one piece.  I was so full.  This I consider a good thing!  I'm smaller!!!  

Here's the take-away.  I had my cake and ate it too.  I used some of my weekly points, which is why I have them, and now I know I only need one piece of pizza!

I was trying to remember something else I was going to share, but you know memory is the second thing to go.  I don't remember what the first is.  

I always have my blog when I remember.

Until next time,

Monday, July 25, 2011

The I-40 West Test

I'm getting ready to borrow.  I've taken the Sunday's in July off from working at Christ Pres, and have been attending Brentwood Baptist.  The reason for this is I know if I attempt to attend a church at which I normally work, I'll get distracted.  And this way, I'm anonymous.    Mike Glenn preached a sermon on Sunday about Micah, and how we know better, but we don't want better.  Did that hit home this week (HA, because we're so far into this week.  It's only getting started).  

Right now, today, I want to eat EVERYTHING I see.  Even things that really shouldn't be eaten, like the washcloth my poor, sweaty hands are resting on to spare my laptop from the sweat.  I have to focus on knowing better, and it's not easy.  

Now to explain the I-40 West test.  Mike noted that he talks to young adults that are in a mess in their lives that they don't want to be, and don't know how they got there.  When they start examining their decisions, they are stunned to find out that every decision they make leads to the place in which they are.  He said that when you get on I-40 West from Nashville, you will always end up in Memphis.  There are signs the whole way.  You may not want to go to Memphis, or think you're going to Memphis, but you're going to Memphis!  

Here's how I relate.  When I start giving into emotional eating, and give in to my over active appetite, when I'm not hungry, it snowballs into undoing all the good work I've done in the last few weeks and I will end up in me gaining weight.  Every time. Every single time.  Every one!  So I know better, I have to read the signs this time, and understand that if I do give into the emotional eating, I'll end up gaining (going to Memphis).  So I am paying attention to my body's signals.  If I'm physically hungry, then I'll eat.  But if I get a craving to eat just because, I need to distract myself with something else.  Like blogging.  I don't even know if the tactic of munching on veggies will be effective, I'm in emotional training right now.  I need to train my brain that it doesn't get food if it's not hungry, not even something with 0 points!  I will chew gum faster than a chain smoker though.  It's not going to be fun, but I'm stronger than this!  I can defeat my mind!  

It's a pretty interesting sermon, check it out if you feel so lead....

July 24, 2011 | What God Wants from Brentwood Baptist Church on Vimeo.

Until next time,

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's not that I don't HAVE time, it's that I don't MAKE time

I know I said I was going to bed.  Well actually I think my last words were it's past bedtime.  Regardless, I had one more ponder I need to share before my mind is able to shut down for sleep.

I was pondering tonight while watching TV, that it might be nice to have the Amazon Kindle or the Barnes and Noble Nook, or something similar.  Only for reading, designed for reading.  Then I observed that I haven't really done a whole lot of reading in the last year, year and a half, two years, etc.  Instantly, my mind went to the, "well it's because I haven't had time" excuse, when actually, its that my priorities are constantly changing such that I don't make time to read as much as would be ideal.  Will I someday have, nay, make the opportunity to read more?  Probably.  That's when it will be nice to have a Kindle or similar.  When I graduate college, my life levels out a little, when I finish my weight loss journey and move into weight maintenance stage, when I (to use the cliche) settle down.  But for now, I'll stick to reading calculus problems from a textbook, and know that one day, I'll get to return to one of my favorite pastimes.  Maybe I'll make time for more photographs too.  That'd be pretty nifty.  

Now, I'm going to bed.  For real.  No, seriously.  I'm no longer here, you don't see me....literally  :)

Until next time,

I'm not the only one

I obviously never thought I was the only one in the world that blogged.  That's insanity, and ignorant.  But to read complete stranger's blogs, is fascinating.  Getting to peek into other people's lives, people to whom I have no connection other than this website, has been a pleasure.  

At the top of this page, there's a link that says "Next blog".  Click on it, and read a bit, then click again, and again, and again.  You'll be occupied for hours (like I was) with other blogs. All the ones I read are runners, which is interesting to me.  Then go to your blog and click next blog link and see who is posting around you.  Might just open our eyes to a view from a different window.  

Past my bedtime :)

Until next time,

Ah, the bliss of getting an entire list of things on my to do list....DONE

I've been doing variations of the same happy dance all day.  Today has been a fantastic day.  

First, I went to Weight Watchers.  I lost 3 pounds this week!!!!  Hot diggity!  I'm so excited that I've kept up my momentum, now it keeps going, and will continue this week!  We have a pretty good fruit sangria recipe that I want to try and a dessert recipe.  I'm pumped.  

The major weight losses is my body getting rid of all the junk.  I expect the weight loss to level out now, and go to about 1-2 pounds per week.  But I certainly won't complain I lose more than that.  :)

The great thing is I don't feel like I've "given" up anything this time.  Even though I set out to "give up" sodas and fast food, I just don't have the craving for those anymore.  Have I eaten fast food in the last few weeks.  Yes!  But only a couple times (like once per week) and I made really good, healthy choices, only got the sandwich or whatever the menu item was (not combo) and a cup for water, which cuts the points almost in HALF!  I haven't had the craving for the big, juicy 25 point burger, but when I do, I have a feeling, I'll be able to get a lower point substitute that's just as "satisfying" and doesn't put me on a guilt trip.

I realized, that over the last two weeks, I've lost 7.6 pounds, entirely WITHOUT exercise.  Yup, that's right.  Without.  Nada.  None.  Nothing.  Okay you get the point.  This only strengthens my position that it's about what you put in your mouth!  Ask Rush Limbaugh, he'll agree.  :)

This doesn't mean I'm not going to exercise.  I still think I need to work out my heart, and strengthen and tone my muscles.  I'm just not going to put the emphasis on certain exercise goals in conjunction with weight loss.  I might start doing what my mom does, after dinner, she walks about a mile on the treadmill while watching TV.  I also was gifted a Pilates DVD.  Yummy :) Cardio and muscle toning.  I'm going to try it and still work on continuing my shoulder strengthening.  Of which, by the way, I did not do at all this week.  Oh well.  I'll do better this week.  Not going to worry about it.  For some strange reason, I could not wake up until 7:30 and have to be at work by 8.  Luckily I shower at night! :)

I've been playing on my computer all day.  First I took some typing lessons from a newly downloaded app, in which I learned I don't type how I'm supposed to.  First, I use the left shift key for everything, and second, I use only my right index finger for the space bar, not my thumb, or even my left index finger.  

I un-installed programs from my PC to clean it up, a cleaner program is now running.  

I also installed a few programs on my Mac, moved all the rest of my files, got my work Citrix account to work on my Mac, no small feat I might add, and then I've been working on my finances, another large sized feat.  

I've decided something, financially, that's taken a little bit of a burden off.  I'm going to start a debt snowball, something Dave Ramsey does.  I listed my debts from smallest to largest.  I pay the minimum payment on all except the top, I chunk everything to that one until it's paid off and keep going down the list.  I've got one credit card paid off, one halfway, and then I just have one more credit card, and a few other things.  I currently technically have 4 credit cards, but one is through Firestone, so it doesn't really count.  Out of the three remaining, two have pretty large credit limits on them, and they are going to be deposited into my safety deposit box at the bank.  I use the third one for everything, and it has a $300 credit limit.  :)  After my credit cards are finished, I'm going to concentrate hard on my car.  This means I'll be paying it off closer to 3 years instead of 2.5.  Am I disappointed?  Definitely.  Am I still ahead?  Yes.  Am I still going to pay it off early?  You bet.  Am I being smart and getting my house in order?  I think so.  

I know I don't normally discuss finance, but it's been weighing on me, and I do discuss weight.  I know, I'm so punny :)  HA!

Well, I'm off to eat dinner.  Oh wait, it's only 4.  Well, then I'm going to play a little more on my computer then have dinner!  

Until next time,

Monday, July 18, 2011

Orange, Green, and Yellow jellybeans anyone?

Here's my current dilemma.  I've been in all the meetings where we talk about how our tendency is to celebrate with food.  It's so true!  We eat when we're happy, when we're sad, when we're bored, etc.  Tonight, I found out I passed a Calculus test I was SURE I had failed, so I decided I'd go out for ice cream.  I was also a little hungry, my dinner didn't stay with me very well.  I had 2 points left over for the day.  I got a Sonic blast (Reese's) which was 15 points.  Sounds steep.  

But here's why I don't take issue with using ice cream to celebrate: Before the blast, I had 44 of my weekly points left to use until Friday night (that's 5 days including today).  I didn't plan for it necessarily, but it's a pretty good use of my weekly points.  I now have 31 of my weekly points to go through Friday night, which not counting today (I don't plan to eat anything else) is 4 days, which means I have 7.75 points a day for the end of the week.  I'm still above average for number of points per day, not like it matters, because that's what the weekly points are for.

Here's why I do take issue with using ice cream to celebrate: It's all mental!  I tied passing a Calculus test with ice cream.  Is that a bad thing?  Eh, that's a grey area.  I'm going to go with, if I don't make it a habit, I'll be okay.

I've noticed that if I parcel things like jellybeans out, I enjoy them more than if I eat them directly out of the bag.  I also don't tend to eat the flavors I don't like.  What's the point of eating something if you don't like it?  Especially something as points costly as jellybeans.  I'm going to get my points worth, so by golly, I'll only eat the red, pink, and purple ones if I want to :)

I'm full, a little sleepy, and supervising an import process into iPhoto.  I'm going to go do a few sit ups to make myself feel better, and continue my babysitting until I go to bed to solve the sleepiness.  

It's been fun.

Until next time,

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ring around the rosy...

It doesn't really matter what circular object you want to equate, think of a merry-go-round if you like, but I've been going in circles, and it's time to stop spinning my wheels.  

This week, I did fantastic, tracked every single thing, honestly, that I ate, made good choices at that, and worked out...a little.  No soda, and even though I did eat out, I made REALLY good choices.

And with no further delay.......I LOST 4.6 POUNDS THIS WEEK.  WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just goes to show, when you work it, it works.  I would try to dig out which other posts I have used that in this journey, but this post is #78, so that would take a while.  

I was thinking of holding the number of posts until I got to something a little more anniversary-ish, but hey, 78 is a big number.  Goodness knows I was doing something silly at 75, so let's celebrate 75+3.  Hm, that's even less anniversary-ish.  Okay, I give up, 78 it is!  He he.  

Wow, I got distracted for the last hour looking at pictures, importing and etc into my new computer.  No earthly idea how I got on that tangent.

Anyways, I'm tired, so real quick goals for this week:
1. Continue my no-soda kick.
2. Continue taking my lunch to work
3. Do my shoulder exercises at least three times this week.  (I've decided to get my shoulder back to normal before trying to run again.)
4. Track every little thing.  
5. Be conscience about eating out.  It's "allowed" obviously, but I need to continue to make good choices.  

I'll be blogging throughout the week because I'm back!

Until next time,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wait, so I'm an adult and that means I have responsibilities? That doesn't sound fun.

Okay, so about those goals.  You know this thing called life, well it got in the way, at least of one of them: exercise. 

I need not beat myself up though.  Here's a run down on my goals I laid out in this post:

One of my goals was to stop eating fast food, and to take my lunch (and dinner on school nights) to work.  Check. 

Second goal was to not touch soda.  Check. 

The third one is the only fuzzy one.  Running (or exercise more generally, since I included my shoulder).  So far this week, I worked my shoulder on Monday.  The end.  Tuesday morning my car was in the shop so I had to catch a ride, and do so early so I could go pick up said car in the afternoon.  DRAMA, another story for another day.  Last night I locked myself out of my house.  Brilliant.  That's an even longer story definitely for another time. 

Fourth and last goal was tracking every thing I eat.  Check.  The funny thing about this one, is I've not used my app once.  I've done all my tracking on the computer.  It's very interesting to me, and disturbing that about 90% of that has been at work, which means 90% of my food has been eaten at the office.  More interesting.  And that percentage might be a little high. 

So hey, 3 out of 4, is REALLY good.  Good enough for a bravo sticker on Saturday.  :)

My most hoped for is that starting to eat well again will cure the 23 bumps on my chin.  They WON'T GO AWAY and they're making me NUTS (no comments from the peanut...ha please). 

So I'm not beating myself up.  Sometimes life just happens, but what I'm very positive about is I have not given up, and I've kept up with what's really most important: FOOD.  After all, weight loss is 80% what you put in your mouth.  It's SO true too.  I can prove it.  But won't.  :)

I'm hyper again, so I took an Ibuprofen PM.

Good night moon.

Until next time,

Sunday, July 10, 2011

If I eat a brownie and no one sees me eat it, did I really eat it?

Now that I've gotten back into my almost daily blogging, and I have a comfortable chair in my room in which to sit and blog all day long, comfortably, I'm a happy camper.  Did I mention the chair was comfortable? :)

How many of us, if we're being very honest, have lied about what we've eaten.  Maybe not necessarily lied outright, but maybe fudged (literally, ha ha, okay that wasn't very punny, ha ha, okay, now I'm making myself laugh - bad sign, but I digress) changed/altered the numbers to make it seem reasonable, or not as "bad".  Okay, I'm the first to raise my hand.  I've done it.  If no one sees me eat it, did I really eat it?  Yup, I've totally pulled that one.  I admit it.  I have to laugh about it though.  So here's my conclusion: I'm not perfect.  Whew!  Now that we've got that out of the way.  I realized something tonight.  My original "goal" was to not touch my weekly points allowance.  For the most part if I don't go anywhere or do anything out of the ordinary, it's a very reachable goal.  (Well maybe not since I was probably fudging to meet my goal ::sigh:: ).  But I digress, again (lots of that going around).  Tonight, I had dinner with friends, and I ate a few things maybe I wished I hadn't.  Moving on, not dwelling.  When I went to log the points, I started to not count that one thing or say I only had two of those instead of 3 or whatever, so I could stay in my daily points.  I caught myself and said WAIT a second.  Where does lying get me?  Nowhere.  The only person it hurts is me.  The website doesn't care how many points I consumed in a day.  And besides, I have 49 weekly points to use.  I'll repeat that to myself to let it sink in (49,49,49,49,49,49,49,49) 49!  And the entire point is to be able to use them and LOSE weight, that's what Weight Watchers says, and it's worked for me before (you know, when I didn't fudge, er alter the numbers).  So I decided to be REAL honest about what I ate and see what I can improve on eating socially (my #1 struggle) and go from there.  Certainly I didn't bomb all 49, so it can't be that bad.  How many did I use?  6.  6 measly weekly points.  If I parceled them out per day, that's less than the 7 I would get per day.  And I didn't use any yesterday.  So it's even LESS of a big deal.  Ugh, there I go over thinking again.  I swear, it could be something as simple as whether or not to choose a purple dress or a red dress exactly the same, and my brain would beat the question to death.  And then it would continue beating.  Like the old phrase, beat a dead horse?  Yup, I got that one covered.  Then because I was so frustrated, I would end up with neither or both.  ::rolls eyes::  Here I go digressing again.  I like that word digress.  It sounds so, bloggy. 

If I over think one more thing tonight, my brain might just shut down.  I have no capacity to think simply, simple answers, solutions.  Heaven forbid a solution be easy.  Well it's time to challenge that.  Among the other self improvement items I'm working on, that's one of them, but I digress. 

Now that my sleep cycle is all wonky, I'm hyper and awake.  I've taken Ibuprofen PM in hopes that I will fall asleep, but I figured while I was waiting for it to work, I'd write a witty, funny blog post (if I do say so myself).  :)

Just read over this post again, and if this isn't like a pin ball machine, I'm not sure what is.  Imagine me saying all this in a conversation.  As hyper as I am, it would take 30 seconds :)

I think I'm going to climb into bed and pretend to fall asleep.

Good night moon :)

Until next time,

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Putting my foot down

Well stamping it really, but only when I'm on the lowest level of a building.  :)

I have realized I have allowed myself to miss meetings (still weigh in, but not stay for the meeting) for various reasons and it will now stop.  

Effective immediately: I will NOT be available AT ALL on Saturday from 9-10:30AM.  This post is as much a reminder for me as it is a declaration.  I'll happily devote the other 166.5 hours of the week to everyone else, but this 1.5 is mine.  I'm getting my self care on.  :)

NOW I'm going to go study :)

Until next time,

I'm a smart girl, but some days I swear I wake up stupid.

First off: I'm not trying to lower myself with that statement.  What I mean by that is some days the brain paths don't necessarily connect correctly and I get some really weird logic going on.  Today was one of those days. 

Saturdays are a little weird for me food-wise because I don't generally eat until after my Weight Watchers meeting, which is from 9-10:30.  So I didn't have my two eggs and piece of toast until around 11 this morning.  Then I left and went apartment researching in Murfreesboro.  I got to Murfreesboro around 12:30 and then remembered at some point I was going to have to eat.  Hmmm, that sure was an opportune time to remember that.  After my post very early this morning, I was dead convinced I wasn't going to eat out.  So I didn't eat anything.  Even though I didn't have breakfast until 11, my stomach clock said lunch time was near around 1.  When I finally left Murfreesboro at 3:45, and my brain shifted off of apartments, I started to get really hungry, and a little shaky, and I knew I wasn't going to make it back to Nashville safely without eating first.  Smart me took out all the crackers I had in my car from vacation this morning.  So I stopped at Olive Garden.  Did I stop at a grocery store to get a sandwich?  No, but I did really well points-wise.  I ordered what's safe: what I KNOW what the points are, and it's really good on top of that.  I ordered my Apricot Chicken for 7 points, had 2 bread sticks for 4 points, and salad for 3.  So 14 points for Lunch/Dinner, because when I got home I was so tired, and had just eaten, I went to bed and napped for a couple hours.  I'll take Ibuprofen PM in a few minutes just to make sure I sleep all the way through the night.  Like I said, weird food habits on Saturday.  

Sunday's even worse. I have breakfast around 7:30, snack around 9, lunch at 2, dinner at 6 or so.  7,12,and 6 just doesn't work on Saturday and Sunday.  

For the day, I came out with 3 points to spare.  I'm getting a scotch hungry, so maybe I'll have some fruit snacks. 

On a side note, as a kid, I never had to deal with oily skin or breakouts on my face.  I'm not sure what's happened, but over the last couple months or so, I can't get rid of it!  My chin has about 11 bumps on it and one appeared on my forehead today!  Over the last few weeks, I've washed my face every day and tried not to touch it with my fingertips, but the bumps won't go away!  It's infuriating.  I've gotten really self conscience about it too.  

So I'm sure you're on the edge of you seats to know how I did today.  Just don't fall off, I'm not Blogger-comp insured.  I gained 2. something.  2.3 I think.  I've now dipped back under 25 pounds lost again.  I'm at 23.6 or something near that.  I weighed in at 199, 1 pound away from the big, scary 200 I swore I would never hit again.  It was probably a good thing I didn't, as that might have caused a tail spin.  Even though I knew it was coming, when I saw the number, it was a wake up call all over again, but in a good way.  

I'm just going to take it one meal at a time, one day at a time, and write my goals on my mirror.  I can do this.  I've done it twice already, I can do it again.  This just means I'll get a THIRD 25 pound key chain.  It won't be an easier the third time than it was the first or second.  The goal is that this will be the LAST time I'm in this spot.  

Now I'm going to go play with my budget and study a bit.  I'm in a math mood again. :)

Until next time,

Just because it's free...

Doesn't mean I have to eat it.  Even if it is my birthday.  I'm signed up for e-mail lists.  On my birthday I get free desserts from all of them.  I deleted every single one.  Yup, I'm proud of myself :)

Until next time,


What if I now have more priorities than before, and they're all "most important" and who gets to decide?  Me, my health, sanity, and emotional well being have to come in somewhere.  I've been pushing myself, and my weight loss journey, off to the side of the road in all the other things I have going on, and that needs to change, and fast.   

My posting gets less and less as my focus changes.  When I was posting once a day or at least 5 times a week, it was very obvious I was taking the time to devote to me and my weight loss journey.  It's now obvious that school has taken over (which is a good thing) but at the same time, I'm very scared that if I don't a) catch it and b) counter-act it, I will be right back where I started: 80 pounds overweight and miserable.  So here I am, catching and starting to counter act. 

Here are the new struggles I'm facing, and my projected solutions to deal with one at a time:
1.  I'm eating out.  A lot.  Most of it is fast food, because it's just that: fast.  We're trying out flex scheduling (4 10s and a day off) at the office and while it's nice, on school days it's a little tight: I work 7-5:30 with a 30 minute lunch and then at 5:30, I leave directly for school.  I have so far been unsuccessful in bringing my lunch or dinner, so both are fast food.  While I could make good choices, let's be real honest: I haven't been.  And I know for a fact I'm going to gain this week. 
1a.  Solution: go back to the frozen dinners.  It's not glamorous and some might call it cheating or being lazy, but it's still fast, something I can do at the office, and I can still stay on track with my weight loss journey.  That and it's much easier on my wallet.  I think of it as an interim solution while I get used to the tighter schedule and get in a groove so I can start making my lunches and dinners. 
2.  Soda.  Driving for long periods of time at weird times wreaked havoc on my soda fasting and fast :) 
2a.  They just need to stop.  Period.  That was easy.
3.  Running.  I'm not running, or working out at all.  I can feel the difference in my energy levels, and after about a week of not working my shoulder, I definitely notice a difference there. 
3a. Next week I will not have any excuses, I'm not working my flex schedule.  So I don't have to be at work until 8:30, which means if I get up at my flex get up time (6), I have an hour to work out. I'm paying for a gym membership I don't use.  Yup, it's silly, I know.  So what's the solution?  Well, that's easy, start using it :)
4.  I'm not tracking what I eat.  Enough said.  No excuses, no reason not to other than just being lazy.
4a.  There's an app for that.  And I have the computer application I can access ANYWHERE, and there's the old fashioned way: pen and paper.  I hate tracking, because I'm accountable to what I eat, but I really need to be.  I definitely notice a difference in my weight if I track, even if I don't work out. 

Even though school will take the cake as being "most important", I have to be #2.  If I don't take care of myself, no one else is going to. 

As usual: goals for this week:
1.  Track every meal, every day.  No excuses
2.  Stop soda.
3.  Run at least 2 days, and gym at least 2 days (shoulder exercises mostly).
4.  Go to the grocery store tomorrow and buy my frozen lunches for 5 days this week, and 2 frozen dinners for class nights.
5.  Not whine while I make these changes :)

Here's a really big positive from this week:  I ate TONS of fruits and veggies.  We got fresh peaches in NC, and I ate 2 or 3 or more a day all week (they were really ripe).  I really enjoyed snacking on fruits and veggies, so I'd like to keep that up.  I'm thinking raw green beans.  YUMMY! 

Another positive: I'm only half way into the summer semester, so I consider this catching this early.  I'm not catching it 6 months from now.  I'm discovering I've strayed from my true north, and if I keep myself healthy, chances are, I'll have more energy to be able to take on all these things.  I'm loving the logic! :)

Another positive: I drove approximately 10 hours each way last weekend, and my shoulder did GREAT!  And yes, my sisters are still alive, but just barely.  JK LOL, love them to pieces, and I'm just as crazy with enough caffeine and too little sleep :)

Another positive: I am very able to swim the backstroke, which is very encouraging. 

I'm still wide awake, so I suppose I'll unpack from our trip last weekend, and organize and clean up until my brain finally shuts down.  Oh, and I need.  I don't know what the end of that sentence was.  I got distracted computing how much I have paid on my car, which by the way is 79.19%. 

Now I'm going to go unpack.  At 1:30AM.  Yup, my brain has a lot to process.  Good times! :)

Oh, and I think I spelled palooza right, but I'm not really sure :)

Until next time,