Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ring around the rosy...

It doesn't really matter what circular object you want to equate, think of a merry-go-round if you like, but I've been going in circles, and it's time to stop spinning my wheels.  

This week, I did fantastic, tracked every single thing, honestly, that I ate, made good choices at that, and worked out...a little.  No soda, and even though I did eat out, I made REALLY good choices.

And with no further delay.......I LOST 4.6 POUNDS THIS WEEK.  WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just goes to show, when you work it, it works.  I would try to dig out which other posts I have used that in this journey, but this post is #78, so that would take a while.  

I was thinking of holding the number of posts until I got to something a little more anniversary-ish, but hey, 78 is a big number.  Goodness knows I was doing something silly at 75, so let's celebrate 75+3.  Hm, that's even less anniversary-ish.  Okay, I give up, 78 it is!  He he.  

Wow, I got distracted for the last hour looking at pictures, importing and etc into my new computer.  No earthly idea how I got on that tangent.

Anyways, I'm tired, so real quick goals for this week:
1. Continue my no-soda kick.
2. Continue taking my lunch to work
3. Do my shoulder exercises at least three times this week.  (I've decided to get my shoulder back to normal before trying to run again.)
4. Track every little thing.  
5. Be conscience about eating out.  It's "allowed" obviously, but I need to continue to make good choices.  

I'll be blogging throughout the week because I'm back!

Until next time,

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