I know I said I was going to bed. Well actually I think my last words were it's past bedtime. Regardless, I had one more ponder I need to share before my mind is able to shut down for sleep.
I was pondering tonight while watching TV, that it might be nice to have the Amazon Kindle or the Barnes and Noble Nook, or something similar. Only for reading, designed for reading. Then I observed that I haven't really done a whole lot of reading in the last year, year and a half, two years, etc. Instantly, my mind went to the, "well it's because I haven't had time" excuse, when actually, its that my priorities are constantly changing such that I don't make time to read as much as would be ideal. Will I someday have, nay, make the opportunity to read more? Probably. That's when it will be nice to have a Kindle or similar. When I graduate college, my life levels out a little, when I finish my weight loss journey and move into weight maintenance stage, when I (to use the cliche) settle down. But for now, I'll stick to reading calculus problems from a textbook, and know that one day, I'll get to return to one of my favorite pastimes. Maybe I'll make time for more photographs too. That'd be pretty nifty.
Now, I'm going to bed. For real. No, seriously. I'm no longer here, you don't see me....literally :)
Until next time,
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