Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sticker Shock

You know when you try on that cute dress, or fancy suit, and you turn over the price tag, and have a heart attack?  Yup, I know how you feel.  I do that when I track food after I eat it all the time.  Yes, after.  Not the most ingenious way to do it.  Not even recommended.  Don't hate, I'm tracking, I'll get to the before I eat it eventually.  

I usually try to do well when eating out.  Usually, I accomplish this.  I recently had pizza for dinner.  I really like pizza, and it's a big treat for me.  I used to be able to have two pieces of pizza and get out for around 10-12 points.  Doesn't sound like a lot of pizza for the points, but if I'm having a hankering for pizza, it's a pretty good deal.  Heh.  Well I assumed (I know, I know) that when I ate two slices of meat lovers stuffed crust pizza, that it would be the same.  Anyone could have told me (probably even me) that that was a foolish thought.  Well, I won't hold out any longer.  One piece is 13 points.  And I definitely had two. And a beer.  

Here's my thing.  I learned from this, this was all good.  I know now, that now that I'm getting smaller, that I can be sustained with one piece.  I was so full.  This I consider a good thing!  I'm smaller!!!  

Here's the take-away.  I had my cake and ate it too.  I used some of my weekly points, which is why I have them, and now I know I only need one piece of pizza!

I was trying to remember something else I was going to share, but you know memory is the second thing to go.  I don't remember what the first is.  

I always have my blog when I remember.

Until next time,

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