Sunday, July 10, 2011

If I eat a brownie and no one sees me eat it, did I really eat it?

Now that I've gotten back into my almost daily blogging, and I have a comfortable chair in my room in which to sit and blog all day long, comfortably, I'm a happy camper.  Did I mention the chair was comfortable? :)

How many of us, if we're being very honest, have lied about what we've eaten.  Maybe not necessarily lied outright, but maybe fudged (literally, ha ha, okay that wasn't very punny, ha ha, okay, now I'm making myself laugh - bad sign, but I digress) changed/altered the numbers to make it seem reasonable, or not as "bad".  Okay, I'm the first to raise my hand.  I've done it.  If no one sees me eat it, did I really eat it?  Yup, I've totally pulled that one.  I admit it.  I have to laugh about it though.  So here's my conclusion: I'm not perfect.  Whew!  Now that we've got that out of the way.  I realized something tonight.  My original "goal" was to not touch my weekly points allowance.  For the most part if I don't go anywhere or do anything out of the ordinary, it's a very reachable goal.  (Well maybe not since I was probably fudging to meet my goal ::sigh:: ).  But I digress, again (lots of that going around).  Tonight, I had dinner with friends, and I ate a few things maybe I wished I hadn't.  Moving on, not dwelling.  When I went to log the points, I started to not count that one thing or say I only had two of those instead of 3 or whatever, so I could stay in my daily points.  I caught myself and said WAIT a second.  Where does lying get me?  Nowhere.  The only person it hurts is me.  The website doesn't care how many points I consumed in a day.  And besides, I have 49 weekly points to use.  I'll repeat that to myself to let it sink in (49,49,49,49,49,49,49,49) 49!  And the entire point is to be able to use them and LOSE weight, that's what Weight Watchers says, and it's worked for me before (you know, when I didn't fudge, er alter the numbers).  So I decided to be REAL honest about what I ate and see what I can improve on eating socially (my #1 struggle) and go from there.  Certainly I didn't bomb all 49, so it can't be that bad.  How many did I use?  6.  6 measly weekly points.  If I parceled them out per day, that's less than the 7 I would get per day.  And I didn't use any yesterday.  So it's even LESS of a big deal.  Ugh, there I go over thinking again.  I swear, it could be something as simple as whether or not to choose a purple dress or a red dress exactly the same, and my brain would beat the question to death.  And then it would continue beating.  Like the old phrase, beat a dead horse?  Yup, I got that one covered.  Then because I was so frustrated, I would end up with neither or both.  ::rolls eyes::  Here I go digressing again.  I like that word digress.  It sounds so, bloggy. 

If I over think one more thing tonight, my brain might just shut down.  I have no capacity to think simply, simple answers, solutions.  Heaven forbid a solution be easy.  Well it's time to challenge that.  Among the other self improvement items I'm working on, that's one of them, but I digress. 

Now that my sleep cycle is all wonky, I'm hyper and awake.  I've taken Ibuprofen PM in hopes that I will fall asleep, but I figured while I was waiting for it to work, I'd write a witty, funny blog post (if I do say so myself).  :)

Just read over this post again, and if this isn't like a pin ball machine, I'm not sure what is.  Imagine me saying all this in a conversation.  As hyper as I am, it would take 30 seconds :)

I think I'm going to climb into bed and pretend to fall asleep.

Good night moon :)

Until next time,

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