Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ah, the bliss of getting an entire list of things on my to do list....DONE

I've been doing variations of the same happy dance all day.  Today has been a fantastic day.  

First, I went to Weight Watchers.  I lost 3 pounds this week!!!!  Hot diggity!  I'm so excited that I've kept up my momentum, now it keeps going, and will continue this week!  We have a pretty good fruit sangria recipe that I want to try and a dessert recipe.  I'm pumped.  

The major weight losses is my body getting rid of all the junk.  I expect the weight loss to level out now, and go to about 1-2 pounds per week.  But I certainly won't complain I lose more than that.  :)

The great thing is I don't feel like I've "given" up anything this time.  Even though I set out to "give up" sodas and fast food, I just don't have the craving for those anymore.  Have I eaten fast food in the last few weeks.  Yes!  But only a couple times (like once per week) and I made really good, healthy choices, only got the sandwich or whatever the menu item was (not combo) and a cup for water, which cuts the points almost in HALF!  I haven't had the craving for the big, juicy 25 point burger, but when I do, I have a feeling, I'll be able to get a lower point substitute that's just as "satisfying" and doesn't put me on a guilt trip.

I realized, that over the last two weeks, I've lost 7.6 pounds, entirely WITHOUT exercise.  Yup, that's right.  Without.  Nada.  None.  Nothing.  Okay you get the point.  This only strengthens my position that it's about what you put in your mouth!  Ask Rush Limbaugh, he'll agree.  :)

This doesn't mean I'm not going to exercise.  I still think I need to work out my heart, and strengthen and tone my muscles.  I'm just not going to put the emphasis on certain exercise goals in conjunction with weight loss.  I might start doing what my mom does, after dinner, she walks about a mile on the treadmill while watching TV.  I also was gifted a Pilates DVD.  Yummy :) Cardio and muscle toning.  I'm going to try it and still work on continuing my shoulder strengthening.  Of which, by the way, I did not do at all this week.  Oh well.  I'll do better this week.  Not going to worry about it.  For some strange reason, I could not wake up until 7:30 and have to be at work by 8.  Luckily I shower at night! :)

I've been playing on my computer all day.  First I took some typing lessons from a newly downloaded app, in which I learned I don't type how I'm supposed to.  First, I use the left shift key for everything, and second, I use only my right index finger for the space bar, not my thumb, or even my left index finger.  

I un-installed programs from my PC to clean it up, a cleaner program is now running.  

I also installed a few programs on my Mac, moved all the rest of my files, got my work Citrix account to work on my Mac, no small feat I might add, and then I've been working on my finances, another large sized feat.  

I've decided something, financially, that's taken a little bit of a burden off.  I'm going to start a debt snowball, something Dave Ramsey does.  I listed my debts from smallest to largest.  I pay the minimum payment on all except the top, I chunk everything to that one until it's paid off and keep going down the list.  I've got one credit card paid off, one halfway, and then I just have one more credit card, and a few other things.  I currently technically have 4 credit cards, but one is through Firestone, so it doesn't really count.  Out of the three remaining, two have pretty large credit limits on them, and they are going to be deposited into my safety deposit box at the bank.  I use the third one for everything, and it has a $300 credit limit.  :)  After my credit cards are finished, I'm going to concentrate hard on my car.  This means I'll be paying it off closer to 3 years instead of 2.5.  Am I disappointed?  Definitely.  Am I still ahead?  Yes.  Am I still going to pay it off early?  You bet.  Am I being smart and getting my house in order?  I think so.  

I know I don't normally discuss finance, but it's been weighing on me, and I do discuss weight.  I know, I'm so punny :)  HA!

Well, I'm off to eat dinner.  Oh wait, it's only 4.  Well, then I'm going to play a little more on my computer then have dinner!  

Until next time,

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