Most people cringe when I tell them what happened to my shoulder. I think they think it's similar to rotator cuff. I wouldn't know, but I don't think it's as bad as all that. Don't cry for me, Laura Lee. (Don't know where that came from).
Physical therapy (contrary to popular belief) was not that bad! They were very nice and gentle. Maybe it helped that I had taken 1/2 of a pain pill. Guess I'll never know.
You may remember here I wrote (in what has to be my shortest blog post ever, that I was going to post 16 times in August. Well we are about to say goodbye to August, in 1 hour, and this is post #16!! I love reasonable goals. :)
Also, in this post, I mentioned a few goals. I will re-list them here and add my comments/revisions/updates:
-Measure my cereal and milk. Not hard tasks, and I can still fix that myself with little time added. Done. Parents came up with a brilliant system of bagging individual servings for the week. Insta-breakfast.
-Restart tracking. The week before surgery, I stopped and haven't started back. Not going to lie. Haven't jumped back on the wagon yet. I'm keeping better watch, but still no excuses
-Blog my feelings more so I'm not tempted to eat them. I'm going through a lot emotionally right now and I don't need another hurdle in my journey. Not now. A lot of my blog has recently been about my shoulder, and it will still hover, but I won't hide my weight loss "struggles" behind updates of the crippled limb. :) What am I doing now? Although, I would have liked to blog at least once between the weekend and now.
-Go back to eating a smaller dinner and a bit bigger lunch, and following the plate division: 1/2 vegetable/fruit, 1/4 protein, 1/4 bread. Done. Have too now that I'm a little more active during the day.
-I'm going to listen to my stomach and stop when I'm full. Done. The only real listening I have to do is at dinner. It's a little bit easier since I have to eat slower on account of the one hand. :)
-Work myself up to 1 mile. This may take two weeks, but I'm not going to push myself past where I feel comfortable just for a goal date (I'm not about to risk injury), so I'm going to make it a wide goal date; by the time I have my next Dr appointment (where we discuss the possibility of waning off the sling) in 24 days. Unfortunately, probably not going to happen. The Physical Therapist cringed when I mentioned walking and suggested the best exercise for me is a stationary bike. No risk moving the shoulder. Now where to find a stationary bike. Wonder if YMCA would severely discount membership so I could only use the bikes. Hm a thought.
-I would like to walk 3 times this week. This may or may not be feasible, depending on physical therapy I start next week. PT may kill me or it may not. It was painful the first time, and that's before someone cut into me. See above statement. PT did not kill me, nowhere close, but still.
I can't sleep. That's why I blog. It started the blog actually. I would love to lie on my stomach where I'm most comfortable but . . .
I'm off to read a bit more and see if I can't coax myself to sleep. I'm not above taking something if I get desperate. Not like I'm under-stocked or anything. :)
You know where to find me. :)
Until next time,
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