Try and tell me I'm wrong. Go ahead. I will delete your post. :) No seriously, it's true and this week I get to prove it. I believe me eating too much brought on a sickness I cannot describe. Basically, I'm tired all the time, feel nauseous in the morning and when I attempt to walk across my room - that's about 15 feet - I have to collapse into a chair because my legs are jelly and my heart rate is 160. From walking across the room. So pretty much, I have been confined to my room since Monday morning unless I go upstairs to eat...and I only have enough energy for 45 minutes tops for that. I was upstairs for 2 hours for dinner tonight, and I'm thoroughly exhausted.
With all this said, I get to subtitle this post "Amendment 2". Unfortunately, I'm going to have to push my exercise goals off until next week, or when I'm all the way better, which ever comes...... well it won't really matter if next week comes first if I don't feel well next week, they'll still have to wait. That's the thing with mysterious illnesses; I never really know how long they are going to last or what they are going to do. For instance, I took something to sleep Monday night. What time did I FINALLY fall asleep? 5:45. Yes, that would be 0545 for those confused. I slept until 7:30 and got ready, under some weird illusion that I was going to go to work today; went upstairs, made my breakfast, and halfway through, I was sweating bullets and couldn't stand up anymore, so I stumbled downstairs, called my boss and almost lay down before I bolted into the bathroom and....well use your imagination. I'm not saying it in writing. If you really want to know, ask me later.
So I feel marginally better tonight. My hope is to be able to get past making breakfast tomorrow morning and actually get to work. I think my body is rebelling against turning one year older or something. I'm not that old! I swear my body thinks I'm 70 or something. Ridiculous.
I am still going to uphold my goal of 1.5 pounds this week. Being that 80% of losing weight is what you eat, and last week the way I ate/exercised I lost 5 pounds, I figure 80% is 4 pounds, I think this will be possible, if not simple. We'll see. No exceptions though. Everything measured and tracked before eaten. Yesterday I had 5 unused points and today I had 8.5 unused points, on the account of being sick of course. We'll see how this whole thing progresses when I actually feel the energy to eat.
You know, the Mr. and Mrs. Smith soundtrack is great blogging music. He he. Makes me feel like I'm working against some secret clock to get it finished before the enemy comes in and destroys me. I watch WAY too much James Bond. :) No hating please. :)
I like movies. A lot. I just watched The Devil Wears Prada and got to laugh at Emily's cheese cube "diet". She eats nothing and when she feels like she is going to faint of hunger, she eats a cube of cheese. Sounds great huh? Well if I didn't eat, I'd probably eat the whole bag. HA! Really though, my parents never have to worry about me being anorexic. I'm borderline anemic, so if I don't eat, after about 5-6 hours, I start getting woozy. And then my brain stops working as a cue that it's time to concentrate on food. And then I eat a mountain of food from the nearest fast food place, since it's normally when I forget to go to lunch from being so busy at work and I have to run out and grab something quick. It's pretty humorous to watch actually. Well, until I go to calculate the points for said meal. That's not usually the forefront thing on my brain, food is. Which is why I eat no later than 12:30. And I eat at home. Avoids the whole mess.
I'm about to go off the grid. I'm going to say something, and you probably won't agree. That's fine. Let me stress that this is my opinion, it is no way fact. Just a thought I've been mulling around.
Let's use a hypothetical situation (since I'm never going to be in the real one). If I were to get married, and I had a high stress job, with weird hours etc, as might happen, I believe I would need someone with the same type of job, and who understands what weird hours are. It just makes things easier that way. I was thinking about this while watching my movie. The two characters are in such different jobs that it creates a break between them. When she moves down into a more calm environment, all is okay; or at least it seems that way. This is a MOVIE we're talking about. It's why Booth and Brennan work so well (from Bones) and why Gibbs has been married 4 times (it's really only the reason for the last 3) (from NCIS). Just a thought. If both partners were in calm jobs, I guess the type of job wouldn't matter as much, but if it's on call a lot, like at a hospital or law enforcement, someone who worked a similar job would be important. Look at Mr. and Mrs. Smith: once they stopped trying to kill each other and worked together, great things happened! Just a thought. :)
Until next time,
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Turns out it's not so easy to walk and chew bubble gum at the same time!
So it may be apparent to those that know me that I fully enjoy studying and learning about people. When I am engrossed in conversations with people around whom I enjoy being, I lost track of pretty much all else. This is where the walking/chewing bubble gum reference - which I can actually do; yes please call Ripley's Believe it or Not. This loss of track would include how much I'm eating. Seems the only thing there is to do with my hands that doesn't make me look nervous or anxious. Guess it's something I have to work through. Or learn to nurse a very large cup of water. After I got started, it was a little hard to stop once I finally did notice what was happening, then I was eating just to eat. ACK! What got me here in the first place.
But I tracked every bite. Every single one. It was not fun. At all. I am not going to lie to you. Not one little bit, but I did it, and tomorrow I will do better. I REFUSE to throw my whole week out the window because of one day. REFUSE. I went 10.5 points over my points today. But you know what I'm not going to do? I'm not going to spend time beating myself up over it. I AM going to learn from it, but I refuse to make myself the subject of a lecture. It will only make me feel more guilty, which will lead to more food, more guilt, more food, more guilt. YIKES - it's a terrible cycle. I have my weekly 35 for situations just as such. I consider myself blessed this lesson was learned on a Sunday instead of Friday. I have time to recover, gracefully, of course.
Instead of starting the above-named cycle, I am going to go to bed, with the help of the anti-histamine since I'm too scared to go to sleep without something, I'm going to get up in the morning, run, and start a whole new day. One where I am going to consciously watch my food and continue to train myself for social eating instead of they let me loose without my measuring cups and tracker - YUM. Well I can't claim I was without my tracker, I had my iTouch. For what did I purchase the sucker? That's right, to track with more mobility. Yup, lesson learned. Next. I'll never forget that - or live it down once my Mom reads this (love you Mom :). It looks like a flipping iPhone, so people will assume I'm just, well doing something you would do on an iPhone. I don't really know, I don't have one. :)
Well folks, it's late. And I have to get up in the morning, remember? Cheers to fresh starts. I'll be cheering with water, of course. :)
Until next time,
But I tracked every bite. Every single one. It was not fun. At all. I am not going to lie to you. Not one little bit, but I did it, and tomorrow I will do better. I REFUSE to throw my whole week out the window because of one day. REFUSE. I went 10.5 points over my points today. But you know what I'm not going to do? I'm not going to spend time beating myself up over it. I AM going to learn from it, but I refuse to make myself the subject of a lecture. It will only make me feel more guilty, which will lead to more food, more guilt, more food, more guilt. YIKES - it's a terrible cycle. I have my weekly 35 for situations just as such. I consider myself blessed this lesson was learned on a Sunday instead of Friday. I have time to recover, gracefully, of course.
Instead of starting the above-named cycle, I am going to go to bed, with the help of the anti-histamine since I'm too scared to go to sleep without something, I'm going to get up in the morning, run, and start a whole new day. One where I am going to consciously watch my food and continue to train myself for social eating instead of they let me loose without my measuring cups and tracker - YUM. Well I can't claim I was without my tracker, I had my iTouch. For what did I purchase the sucker? That's right, to track with more mobility. Yup, lesson learned. Next. I'll never forget that - or live it down once my Mom reads this (love you Mom :). It looks like a flipping iPhone, so people will assume I'm just, well doing something you would do on an iPhone. I don't really know, I don't have one. :)
Well folks, it's late. And I have to get up in the morning, remember? Cheers to fresh starts. I'll be cheering with water, of course. :)
Until next time,
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Hiking is always easier if you keep to the trail
Or in Weight Watchers speak "If you work it, IT WORKS". Who would have thought?
Refer back to my post here and you will see how the title of this post fits and also two lists: 1 list of things I was going to do this week and 1 list of things I was going to accomplish. Ultimately, I'm not hyper-worried about that first list. This week life happened, and navigating around that was added to the list. I fully accomplished 3 out of the six things and mostly (in fractions 7/8) accomplished the other three. What I am concentrating on is the second list. What was going to come of all this focus. On my list, I had four things:
Now I get to establish new goals. Seems I actually work well with them. Something to push myself toward. Humph. Before I do that, I want to fully realize the effort I placed this week. I did run Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I tracked every bite I ate, I did not go over my points, and I measured EVERYTHING. I worked for every ounce that I lost this week. Every little bit. And all that effort WAS WORTH IT! Worth it enough to repeat and repeat and so on. When you work it, it works!!!
Now to celebrate. I cried (sobbed actually) out of pure joy. Pure, joy of what I thought had been unattainable. Now I know what I'm made of, that I can do it, and I have less to lose than I have lost!! I am between 26 and 30 pounds left. I am currently at 37.8 pounds lost (WOOHOO!).
Now for the hard part. I am going to want to slack off. It's human nature really, when achievements are reached before the time allotted. I have a solution to said issue. I am going to repeat last weeks goals with a few modifications:
As posted here I did these things to get back to the trail. Well, I'm back on the trail. The next step is to practice staying on the trail.
Until next time,
Refer back to my post here and you will see how the title of this post fits and also two lists: 1 list of things I was going to do this week and 1 list of things I was going to accomplish. Ultimately, I'm not hyper-worried about that first list. This week life happened, and navigating around that was added to the list. I fully accomplished 3 out of the six things and mostly (in fractions 7/8) accomplished the other three. What I am concentrating on is the second list. What was going to come of all this focus. On my list, I had four things:
- Run under a 10 minute mile. Twice. Well Wednesday: 9:54.75 and Thursday 9:57.06. CHECK
- Lose 1.4 pounds. Well this week I walked into Weight Watchers, weighed, and guess what? 5 pounds. 5 GLORIOUS POUNDS!!!!!!! YYYYEEEAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Again, if you work it, it works. Seems so obvious now. So for this list item. CHECK.
- Hope to lose 2.2. Refer to previous point. CHECK :):):):):):):)
- Repeat and in 2 weeks lose a cool 5 pounds. Well I exceeded my expectations and lost the whole 5 in one week. Well then. Snap, snap, snap. Who's the Bomb-diggity? I'm the bomb-diggity. CHECK.
Now I get to establish new goals. Seems I actually work well with them. Something to push myself toward. Humph. Before I do that, I want to fully realize the effort I placed this week. I did run Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I tracked every bite I ate, I did not go over my points, and I measured EVERYTHING. I worked for every ounce that I lost this week. Every little bit. And all that effort WAS WORTH IT! Worth it enough to repeat and repeat and so on. When you work it, it works!!!
Now to celebrate. I cried (sobbed actually) out of pure joy. Pure, joy of what I thought had been unattainable. Now I know what I'm made of, that I can do it, and I have less to lose than I have lost!! I am between 26 and 30 pounds left. I am currently at 37.8 pounds lost (WOOHOO!).
Now for the hard part. I am going to want to slack off. It's human nature really, when achievements are reached before the time allotted. I have a solution to said issue. I am going to repeat last weeks goals with a few modifications:
- I am going to lose 1.5 pounds this week. This will carry me to 39.2 total pounds lost.
- I am going to *hope/aim* for 2.3. This will make it easier for #3 and will bring me to 40 total pounds lost. Wouldn't that be SUPER COOL?!?!?!
- I am going to concentrate this week on running the entire mile, instead of aiming for a certain amount of time. Running the whole thing, I have a goal for 12 minutes or under. I am going to do this twice. That is running at 5MPH. I ran/walked an average of a 13 minute mile at the 5K, so an accomplishment all on its own.
- I'm going to extend my running course to include a lap around the 1/4 mile track. So my mile will be 1/2 from the house to the track, 1/4 around the track, 1/4 back up hill towards the house, and walking the last 1/4 mile home, to allow my heart rate to slow. I like it. It works. Eat my dust.
As posted here I did these things to get back to the trail. Well, I'm back on the trail. The next step is to practice staying on the trail.
Until next time,
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
The answer is a definite "NOT ME" and here's why. I practiced one of the habits of successful members (from Weight Watchers book 4) today (tonight). Ask for help. This is HARD for me. Really hard. Really, really hard. Really, really, get the point.
All day today, I have had this craving for sweets. Luckily the only thing sweet I keep at my desk is applesauce. 1 point and I resisted because I knew I wanted pizza for dinner tonight and had just enough points to make that happen. So after resisting all day (or week rather), I felt a little, oh shall we say, withdrawn. So I had two cookies after dinner. And then the only thing I could think about from that point on was how to get more cookies. Without anyone knowing. Yes, for two whole hours, all I thought about was cookies. I've used this phrase before, but it fits: bloody infuriating. So I take my sleepy pills that work really well and I come downstairs to start scheming how to get cookies after all go to bed. Literally. So I march right back upstairs, while they are all awake and very boldly request that the cookies disappear. I then come back downstairs and have a strawberry smoothie bar. Not planned, but the 1 point bar is far better than the large amounts of cookies I was going to inhale. What I need to do is go back to the store, buy Vita Tops and have that with the key lime pie fiber one yogurt and fat free whipped topping for dessert nightly. Not only is it a lot of food, I get more bang for my buck, so to speak. The whole thing (about 1 1/2 cups)? 2 points. Yes that's right. 2 points. Ingredients? Yogurt = 0 points, Vita top = 1 point, fat free whipped topping (6 tbsp!) 1 point.
All this is putting into practice another habit: learn from experience. Something I'll be doing a little bit of tonight/tomorrow.
So, lets back up to why I didn't post last night, as a nightly post seems to be the thing. Yesterday was a very rough day. First, I took the sleepy pills too late on Monday evening, so I barely woke up in time for work. So did I run? That would be a no. I will make it up. Then, I have a very mentally exhausting day at work. I mean wow. My co-workers were all at home for various reasons, so I was by myself in my mini-department, which for some, would be great, but I am still the lone person in the office department, which means if someone has a question, I get asked. There are lots of questions, and fires that happened yesterday. I am especially peeved at a shipment company that shall remain nameless. Really? Your job is to deliver packages. How hard is it really to lose a package from where I shipped it to 20 miles away to it's destination. A week later and they still haven't found it. #*&#*&%(@&$%)&_(*#%&*(). Second time this week.
Yesterday, I ordered an i-touch, for the sole purpose of being able to have the Weight Watchers mobile app. There will be plenty of other benefits to this technology as well. Then I go upstairs for breakfast to find that my parents were seriously considering getting me that for my birthday, which is coming up. Quickly. %&#(*&$#(*%$&)(*#$(%)*$*(#. Really??? I ought to know better!
All this to say, this is a learning experience for me. I have to remember that I'm not done. I have the tendency to say, gosh, I look and feel good! and forget that I'm aiming for the final goal - to look and feel my best!!!
Until next time,
All day today, I have had this craving for sweets. Luckily the only thing sweet I keep at my desk is applesauce. 1 point and I resisted because I knew I wanted pizza for dinner tonight and had just enough points to make that happen. So after resisting all day (or week rather), I felt a little, oh shall we say, withdrawn. So I had two cookies after dinner. And then the only thing I could think about from that point on was how to get more cookies. Without anyone knowing. Yes, for two whole hours, all I thought about was cookies. I've used this phrase before, but it fits: bloody infuriating. So I take my sleepy pills that work really well and I come downstairs to start scheming how to get cookies after all go to bed. Literally. So I march right back upstairs, while they are all awake and very boldly request that the cookies disappear. I then come back downstairs and have a strawberry smoothie bar. Not planned, but the 1 point bar is far better than the large amounts of cookies I was going to inhale. What I need to do is go back to the store, buy Vita Tops and have that with the key lime pie fiber one yogurt and fat free whipped topping for dessert nightly. Not only is it a lot of food, I get more bang for my buck, so to speak. The whole thing (about 1 1/2 cups)? 2 points. Yes that's right. 2 points. Ingredients? Yogurt = 0 points, Vita top = 1 point, fat free whipped topping (6 tbsp!) 1 point.
All this is putting into practice another habit: learn from experience. Something I'll be doing a little bit of tonight/tomorrow.
So, lets back up to why I didn't post last night, as a nightly post seems to be the thing. Yesterday was a very rough day. First, I took the sleepy pills too late on Monday evening, so I barely woke up in time for work. So did I run? That would be a no. I will make it up. Then, I have a very mentally exhausting day at work. I mean wow. My co-workers were all at home for various reasons, so I was by myself in my mini-department, which for some, would be great, but I am still the lone person in the office department, which means if someone has a question, I get asked. There are lots of questions, and fires that happened yesterday. I am especially peeved at a shipment company that shall remain nameless. Really? Your job is to deliver packages. How hard is it really to lose a package from where I shipped it to 20 miles away to it's destination. A week later and they still haven't found it. #*&#*&%(@&$%)&_(*#%&*(). Second time this week.
Yesterday, I ordered an i-touch, for the sole purpose of being able to have the Weight Watchers mobile app. There will be plenty of other benefits to this technology as well. Then I go upstairs for breakfast to find that my parents were seriously considering getting me that for my birthday, which is coming up. Quickly. %&#(*&$#(*%$&)(*#$(%)*$*(#. Really??? I ought to know better!
All this to say, this is a learning experience for me. I have to remember that I'm not done. I have the tendency to say, gosh, I look and feel good! and forget that I'm aiming for the final goal - to look and feel my best!!!
Until next time,
Monday, June 21, 2010
Not all taxes are necessarily bad. Some are helpful.
I paid a "stupid tax" today. It cost me $1.08. This morning I wanted a Diet Dr. Pepper. Really bad wanted. So I stop in at Sonic on my way to work and boo hoo Sonic is not open. (say what?!?!?!?!?!). It was after 8, and they promise to be open by 6AM! Anyways, I decide to stop in at a gas station between Sonic and work. I do. I march into the gas station, pull out the biggest cup I could see, put Dr. Pepper in the cup with ice and walk to the counter and pay for it. It cost $1.08. Marching back out to my car, I get halfway there and freeze. I then realize that I just paid for Dr. Pepper, not DIET Dr. Pepper. There's a difference. A BIG one. About a 10 point one (!). So I groan (ggggggggrrrrrrrrrooooooaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn) and continue to my car, they didn't have diet in there anyways. I put it in my car and I wrestle all the way to the office with myself over whether or not I am going to drink it. One side: you might as well, you already bought it. Other side: it was only $1.08, it's not worth 10+ points. Which side won? The side that said not to drink it! I poured the whole think down the drain. Did not take one single sip. Now is that cool or what?!?!?!?!?! I think it's wicked awesome!!!! :)
This a "tax" that is helpful. I will think twice before I pour my own soda.
So, I'm sure you are all sitting on the edge of your seats wanting to know if I recovered from my less than awesome wake-up-at-3AM trick Saturday night/Sunday morning. I took a nap after I finished yesterday's post; so from around 3-6 when my mom says she woke me up. I do not believe her because I have no such memory. Apparently I was SO asleep she had to shake/scream at me. So why did she not let me sleep? I don't know; apparently she also reads stomachs and knew mine was hungry. It's a mom talent. I don't expect to understand. I was groggy all through dinner, but tracked everything all the same, but with much less vigor. Under the same mom's direction, I took Tylenol PM last night around 8. I think she was just getting tired of me sleeping sitting up on the couch upstairs. I fell asleep between 8:30 and 9. I slept until 6:30. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am now a believer in over the counter sleepy pills. I didn't even have to pull out the big guns. :) I think I am going to repeat tonight.
Well, when I woke up, I was groggy, I mean really groggy. Really, really groggy. You get the point. Groggy enough to be tempted not to run, thinking it would only make my situation worse. After 30 minutes of coaxing myself, I finally got out the door and did it! I ran at a slower pace today and instead of only being able to make it to .5 miles at an 8' pace, I made it .75 miles at around a 10' pace, which doesn't leave much room for walking the last .25, which I did, and finished the mile at 11:47.19. Not fabulous, but considering the Tylenol was still wearing off, not too shabby, not too shabby. Tomorrow will be better.
I have to share about my dinner conquest! First, today was a very light day food-wise for me. Breakfast was 6 points, and 5 of those was the peanut butter on the toast. Lunch was broccoli and cheese (the Green Giant frozen - low-fat!) along with a piece of toast with butter. 5.5 points. Dinner was 15 pieces (3 ounces) or shrimp, homemade cocktail sauce (who knew it was ketchup and horseradish sauce?), salad with lettuce, peppers, and my new-found favorite Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing :) with milk to drink. The whole meal was 5.5 points, and 2 of those were milk! The shrimp was 1, the sauce 0.5, and the salad was 2 (dressing). Amazing! Overall, I did not use 7 of my points today, and I did not starve! I think it has to do with the enough sleep thing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm going to go beg for more Tylenol, put it on my shopping list to add to my pharmacy, and enjoy my sleep and get up and run again tomorrow. :)
Until next time,
This a "tax" that is helpful. I will think twice before I pour my own soda.
So, I'm sure you are all sitting on the edge of your seats wanting to know if I recovered from my less than awesome wake-up-at-3AM trick Saturday night/Sunday morning. I took a nap after I finished yesterday's post; so from around 3-6 when my mom says she woke me up. I do not believe her because I have no such memory. Apparently I was SO asleep she had to shake/scream at me. So why did she not let me sleep? I don't know; apparently she also reads stomachs and knew mine was hungry. It's a mom talent. I don't expect to understand. I was groggy all through dinner, but tracked everything all the same, but with much less vigor. Under the same mom's direction, I took Tylenol PM last night around 8. I think she was just getting tired of me sleeping sitting up on the couch upstairs. I fell asleep between 8:30 and 9. I slept until 6:30. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am now a believer in over the counter sleepy pills. I didn't even have to pull out the big guns. :) I think I am going to repeat tonight.
Well, when I woke up, I was groggy, I mean really groggy. Really, really groggy. You get the point. Groggy enough to be tempted not to run, thinking it would only make my situation worse. After 30 minutes of coaxing myself, I finally got out the door and did it! I ran at a slower pace today and instead of only being able to make it to .5 miles at an 8' pace, I made it .75 miles at around a 10' pace, which doesn't leave much room for walking the last .25, which I did, and finished the mile at 11:47.19. Not fabulous, but considering the Tylenol was still wearing off, not too shabby, not too shabby. Tomorrow will be better.
I have to share about my dinner conquest! First, today was a very light day food-wise for me. Breakfast was 6 points, and 5 of those was the peanut butter on the toast. Lunch was broccoli and cheese (the Green Giant frozen - low-fat!) along with a piece of toast with butter. 5.5 points. Dinner was 15 pieces (3 ounces) or shrimp, homemade cocktail sauce (who knew it was ketchup and horseradish sauce?), salad with lettuce, peppers, and my new-found favorite Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing :) with milk to drink. The whole meal was 5.5 points, and 2 of those were milk! The shrimp was 1, the sauce 0.5, and the salad was 2 (dressing). Amazing! Overall, I did not use 7 of my points today, and I did not starve! I think it has to do with the enough sleep thing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm going to go beg for more Tylenol, put it on my shopping list to add to my pharmacy, and enjoy my sleep and get up and run again tomorrow. :)
Until next time,
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Go back to sleep Leigh......3AM?!?!?! UGH!
I totally stole the base for that quote from 27 Dresses with Katherine Heigl. Fantastic movie. The original quote is "Go to sleep Jane. 3AM?!?! UGH!". :)
So as you may have surmised from the title: I woke up this morning at 3AM, and this was after I had the most terrible time trying to sleep (went to bed at 9:30, didn't fall asleep until around 11). If you have any solutions (besides drugs, which is where I'm turning next) to this persistent, but inconsistent inability to sleep past 3AM, now would be the prime time to speak up. All those big words in the last sentence mean it doesn't happen every night, but at least once or twice a week. Still annoying.
Even after being up since then, I still ran this morning before church. I thought I might as well, since I was already up and all. Maybe that's why I was up so early. My subconscious did not want me to be able to snooze past my alarm. I ran/walked the mile in 10:15.18. For a few moments at the end, I really thought I was going to make it under 10' but that would have included sprinting about 100 yards when I could barely stand. I still shaved about 11 seconds off my PB, so I'm not complaining. Today.
When I returned, it took a full 30 minutes for my heart rate to go under 180, which was a little freaky. The way I finally got it to lower? Laying on the floor and concentrating on my deep breaths, which turned out to be a mistake, because then I didn't want to get up. :) Again, suggestions welcome.
Skip to this afternoon, after church. I noticed while fixing lunch that because I was so tired, I almost didn't track before I ate. Uh oh. I walked upstairs, realized I didn't have my laptop, and for a few seconds had an internal debate whether to just not do it for that one little meal or go downstairs and get my laptop. The side that wanted to get the laptop won! So I get my laptop and track everything and feel a lot better about the whole thing.
I also noticed that sweets call my name a little louder when two conditions are met: a) I am tired and bored, and b) when no one else is around. I resisted all temptation, ate my lunch and here I am, trying as usual to find a title. Well, by the time you read that line I would have already found one and then added a paragraph at the beginning to tie it all together so it makes a decent shred of sense.
I'm now barely able to keep my eyes open, so I'm going to go take a nap.
Until next time,
So as you may have surmised from the title: I woke up this morning at 3AM, and this was after I had the most terrible time trying to sleep (went to bed at 9:30, didn't fall asleep until around 11). If you have any solutions (besides drugs, which is where I'm turning next) to this persistent, but inconsistent inability to sleep past 3AM, now would be the prime time to speak up. All those big words in the last sentence mean it doesn't happen every night, but at least once or twice a week. Still annoying.
Even after being up since then, I still ran this morning before church. I thought I might as well, since I was already up and all. Maybe that's why I was up so early. My subconscious did not want me to be able to snooze past my alarm. I ran/walked the mile in 10:15.18. For a few moments at the end, I really thought I was going to make it under 10' but that would have included sprinting about 100 yards when I could barely stand. I still shaved about 11 seconds off my PB, so I'm not complaining. Today.
When I returned, it took a full 30 minutes for my heart rate to go under 180, which was a little freaky. The way I finally got it to lower? Laying on the floor and concentrating on my deep breaths, which turned out to be a mistake, because then I didn't want to get up. :) Again, suggestions welcome.
Skip to this afternoon, after church. I noticed while fixing lunch that because I was so tired, I almost didn't track before I ate. Uh oh. I walked upstairs, realized I didn't have my laptop, and for a few seconds had an internal debate whether to just not do it for that one little meal or go downstairs and get my laptop. The side that wanted to get the laptop won! So I get my laptop and track everything and feel a lot better about the whole thing.
I also noticed that sweets call my name a little louder when two conditions are met: a) I am tired and bored, and b) when no one else is around. I resisted all temptation, ate my lunch and here I am, trying as usual to find a title. Well, by the time you read that line I would have already found one and then added a paragraph at the beginning to tie it all together so it makes a decent shred of sense.
I'm now barely able to keep my eyes open, so I'm going to go take a nap.
Until next time,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
That's all I get?!?!?!
That's how I view "dieting", which is why it doesn't work for me. And no, I'm not getting paid by Weight Watchers to say that, but it's true. I had to realize it was about the long-term; it's all about getting healthier! It's about being able to live my life to the fullest, which is why I do not hesitate to correct anyone who thinks I'm on a diet! This is not temporary; it's a lifestyle change. I want to see 80+ years old (God willing, of course), and in order to do that, I need to do my part and take care of my body! But I digress.
Back on topic: When I look at, for example, salad dressing. The serving size for most salad dressing is 2 tbsp. Then I look at the measuring spoon for a tablespoon and (after considering throwing it out the window) think That's all I get?!?!?! My salad is going to taste dry (gasp! Heaven forbid). It is an adjustment. I, for one, had my portions way out of whack.
To prove this to myself I measured. Meticulously. Everything. I had I had a salad with my lasagna for diner. My salad consisted of: 1.5 cups of lettuce, .5 cups of raw green beans (the snap ones of which I could eat a whole bag!), .5 cups of red bell peppers, and the dressing. That's a big salad, and the only thing in that with points is the dressing. Well I sprinkle the 1.5 tbsp of dressing (I don't use the whole 2) and I think okay, I can't really see the dressing, but okay, I'm going to go with it. Then I mix it up and start eating. At the end, what do I find? First, the salad was excellent! It tasted so FRESH!! I also found extra dressing in the bottom of my bowl!! I then realize: I picked the dressing because it was the lowest calorie dressing we had; I expected to suffer through it, since I do not like balsamic vinegar dressing normally. Well, guess what? I normally don't like it because I use way too much, which gives it that bitter taste! HA! It was too bitter in large amounts, but in the serving size, well I think I like it better than anything else! I'm going solve the whole blasted 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle soon before long!! :)
In an effort to prove my seriousness (to myself mostly :) ), I took my laptop upstairs when I ate each meal today and I tracked everything I ate before I ate it. What a difference!! It was actually a lot of fun!!! Instead of feeling regret for eating the way I did when I went back and looked at it, which leads to more eating and then more guilt, more eating, more guilt, so on and so on, or trying to remember what I ate and how much, I knew what I was doing before I did it! I measured the lasagna with my hands (since the serving size was in inches on the website). I also beefed up my salad with more veggies, which are filling foods and 0 points! At the end, I was full!! :) This is not going to be nearly the jailing I originally thought. Maybe that's all I needed in the beginning; a fresh look; a new perspective.
All this describing food has made me truly hungry. Dilemma. I have already used all my points for the day. I could dip into my weekly 35 (which you are encouraged to do - that's why they're there), but I feel I can get creative. So I go grab a Fiber One yogurt (and remind myself of the food commercials on the Biggest Loser) and remember that the yogurt is 0 points!!!!! No going over points and it's a filling food. WHOOP!!!
Now for a real shift of thinking: feelings confession time!
I was hesitant to blog tonight, since this will by my third post today. I have this fear, oh my goodness, if I post too many posts, these people reading will thing I'm a blog-aholic (milk-a-what? he he). Well, remember when I wrote here about if I put me first, I'm really selfish about it? Okay, well here goes the first example. This is my blog that I created for my expression of my feelings and I can post as much and as often as I like and you are allowed to not read it. Yup, I'll tell you how I really feel. :)
Of course, I enjoy knowing when you read it and what you think, but I need to remember this is my outlet. And right now, I'm doing a lot of out letting as I go through more behavior changes. :)
Now going to listen to Open House Party and wind down since I'm getting up SUPER early to run in the AM. Say it with me "I got this!!!"
Until next time,
Back on topic: When I look at, for example, salad dressing. The serving size for most salad dressing is 2 tbsp. Then I look at the measuring spoon for a tablespoon and (after considering throwing it out the window) think That's all I get?!?!?! My salad is going to taste dry (gasp! Heaven forbid). It is an adjustment. I, for one, had my portions way out of whack.
To prove this to myself I measured. Meticulously. Everything. I had I had a salad with my lasagna for diner. My salad consisted of: 1.5 cups of lettuce, .5 cups of raw green beans (the snap ones of which I could eat a whole bag!), .5 cups of red bell peppers, and the dressing. That's a big salad, and the only thing in that with points is the dressing. Well I sprinkle the 1.5 tbsp of dressing (I don't use the whole 2) and I think okay, I can't really see the dressing, but okay, I'm going to go with it. Then I mix it up and start eating. At the end, what do I find? First, the salad was excellent! It tasted so FRESH!! I also found extra dressing in the bottom of my bowl!! I then realize: I picked the dressing because it was the lowest calorie dressing we had; I expected to suffer through it, since I do not like balsamic vinegar dressing normally. Well, guess what? I normally don't like it because I use way too much, which gives it that bitter taste! HA! It was too bitter in large amounts, but in the serving size, well I think I like it better than anything else! I'm going solve the whole blasted 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle soon before long!! :)
In an effort to prove my seriousness (to myself mostly :) ), I took my laptop upstairs when I ate each meal today and I tracked everything I ate before I ate it. What a difference!! It was actually a lot of fun!!! Instead of feeling regret for eating the way I did when I went back and looked at it, which leads to more eating and then more guilt, more eating, more guilt, so on and so on, or trying to remember what I ate and how much, I knew what I was doing before I did it! I measured the lasagna with my hands (since the serving size was in inches on the website). I also beefed up my salad with more veggies, which are filling foods and 0 points! At the end, I was full!! :) This is not going to be nearly the jailing I originally thought. Maybe that's all I needed in the beginning; a fresh look; a new perspective.
All this describing food has made me truly hungry. Dilemma. I have already used all my points for the day. I could dip into my weekly 35 (which you are encouraged to do - that's why they're there), but I feel I can get creative. So I go grab a Fiber One yogurt (and remind myself of the food commercials on the Biggest Loser) and remember that the yogurt is 0 points!!!!! No going over points and it's a filling food. WHOOP!!!
Now for a real shift of thinking: feelings confession time!
I was hesitant to blog tonight, since this will by my third post today. I have this fear, oh my goodness, if I post too many posts, these people reading will thing I'm a blog-aholic (milk-a-what? he he). Well, remember when I wrote here about if I put me first, I'm really selfish about it? Okay, well here goes the first example. This is my blog that I created for my expression of my feelings and I can post as much and as often as I like and you are allowed to not read it. Yup, I'll tell you how I really feel. :)
Of course, I enjoy knowing when you read it and what you think, but I need to remember this is my outlet. And right now, I'm doing a lot of out letting as I go through more behavior changes. :)
Now going to listen to Open House Party and wind down since I'm getting up SUPER early to run in the AM. Say it with me "I got this!!!"
Until next time,
Bats out of.....well you know
That is how my Mom described me earlier; I suppose because of my previous driving habits and eagerness to leave the nest or something like that. Made me wonder if that's how everyone sees me. Only waiting to get on to the next best thing. Very thought provoking. I need to really learn to live in the moment.
I have put another piece of the puzzle together. When I have emotions, or feelings, I express them or cover them. Previously I used food to cover them. I have also been known to drive my feelings (reason for description above), which helped, a little bit, except sometimes it only serves to exasperate me more than I was before I got behind the wheel.
Over the last few weeks (timeline starting to make sense), I have toned down my driving. A lot. I drive the speed limit, I use caution at yellow lights, stop at red ones, no more yelling or even talking to other drivers, etc. So I lost that form of "expression", so over the last few weeks what have I been doing? Going back to covering with food. DING DING DING DING DING.
I have found that I truly enjoy driving the speed limit. It makes my gas tank happier and I have the opportunity to enjoy the road. I got 28 miles to the gallon last time I filled up. Tell me that's not worth it!
I need to find a consistent and safe outlet; maybe this blog, maybe something else in addition. Therapy is always a nice idea, and works wonders, but is expensive. Exercise is good, but to a certain point. The only problem with some options (e.g. running) is the feelings do not really go away, they just dull down temporarily. Some parts are expressed, but leaves larger chains or thoughts not expressed. With running it is still all internal. It, to me, is extremely important to externalize (word?) feelings and emotions, to get them out, which makes blogging (more importantly expressing - talking - about them) ultra important. To me, it helps to vocalize, so sometimes I will read out my posts either during or after they're written. When I hear it, things start to click, to line up, to connect in my head and I am able to get it. I talk to myself. Way too much for my own good maybe, but I do not care. I do not understand something if I simply think it, I must hear it, even if they are my own thoughts.
On another subject: Bravo to me, I resisted all temptation at my Dad's house and did not have 1 piece of chocolate. I was really tempted to say it's just one, but that always turns into way more than just one. So I had a Diet Dr. Pepper thank you very much.
Until next time,
I have put another piece of the puzzle together. When I have emotions, or feelings, I express them or cover them. Previously I used food to cover them. I have also been known to drive my feelings (reason for description above), which helped, a little bit, except sometimes it only serves to exasperate me more than I was before I got behind the wheel.
Over the last few weeks (timeline starting to make sense), I have toned down my driving. A lot. I drive the speed limit, I use caution at yellow lights, stop at red ones, no more yelling or even talking to other drivers, etc. So I lost that form of "expression", so over the last few weeks what have I been doing? Going back to covering with food. DING DING DING DING DING.
I have found that I truly enjoy driving the speed limit. It makes my gas tank happier and I have the opportunity to enjoy the road. I got 28 miles to the gallon last time I filled up. Tell me that's not worth it!
I need to find a consistent and safe outlet; maybe this blog, maybe something else in addition. Therapy is always a nice idea, and works wonders, but is expensive. Exercise is good, but to a certain point. The only problem with some options (e.g. running) is the feelings do not really go away, they just dull down temporarily. Some parts are expressed, but leaves larger chains or thoughts not expressed. With running it is still all internal. It, to me, is extremely important to externalize (word?) feelings and emotions, to get them out, which makes blogging (more importantly expressing - talking - about them) ultra important. To me, it helps to vocalize, so sometimes I will read out my posts either during or after they're written. When I hear it, things start to click, to line up, to connect in my head and I am able to get it. I talk to myself. Way too much for my own good maybe, but I do not care. I do not understand something if I simply think it, I must hear it, even if they are my own thoughts.
On another subject: Bravo to me, I resisted all temptation at my Dad's house and did not have 1 piece of chocolate. I was really tempted to say it's just one, but that always turns into way more than just one. So I had a Diet Dr. Pepper thank you very much.
Until next time,
I think I'm in the middle of the woods.
Hello, 411? I think I am lost. Where am I? Well how the heck should I know? Doesn't this thing have a GPS signal in it? (a.k.a can't you do all the work to pull me out of this mess I created??). Okay, I believe I am in the middle of the woods. How did I get here? Well, I saw a pretty flower to photograph and so I made a good excuse to stray from the path and then nothing bad happened so I made another excuse to go farther, and even though there were consequences, they weren't really that bad, and it was worth the pictures I took, so I let it slide. Then the big thunderstorm came and I got jolted by lightening being so close to the large trees and carrying electronic equipment and I figured I was already here so why not enjoy it. I think I am now running the wrong direction and going further into the woods instead of trying to get back out. It doesn't look like a fun trek back to the path. It's hard and uphill. Hello? I think they hung up on me.
Sound familiar? Sounds like the last few weeks for me. I created a mind jolt this morning after I gained .8 this week. That would be in the incorrect direction for those who are confused. And I do not want to hear the it's only .8, that's not that much. What's the big deal? Nope, if you look at the history over the past 13 weeks, you will see the big deal. This is a consistent thing. And in this case, consistency is NOT good. I made a plan; things I am going to do this week to get fully out of the woods and back onto the path. Here they are:
Sound familiar? Sounds like the last few weeks for me. I created a mind jolt this morning after I gained .8 this week. That would be in the incorrect direction for those who are confused. And I do not want to hear the it's only .8, that's not that much. What's the big deal? Nope, if you look at the history over the past 13 weeks, you will see the big deal. This is a consistent thing. And in this case, consistency is NOT good. I made a plan; things I am going to do this week to get fully out of the woods and back onto the path. Here they are:
- I am going to run every morning except Saturday. Yes that includes Sunday, when I get up insanely early anyways. It's going to be hard and I'm going to want to whine, but nope, it's time to toughen up.
- Today I am going to take a brisk walk, probably after dinner, and it will be small, probably 1/2 mile, and the dog will probably accompany. It will be good ponder time; so expect a deep thinking blog post afterwards. I will make this a habit. And do this after dinner walking at least 3 times this week.
- I'm going to track every bite I take and not go over my points. Seems easier than it is actually. I'm working on upping my technology to make this easier/more convenient for me so I have no excuses.
- I am not going to eat any ice cream except the ice cream 1 point smoothie bars I bought. 6 points for Chocolate Trinity ice cream in a cone is NOT worth it anymore.
- Frozen veggies were on sale for 10/10.00 at Kroger (that's 1/2 price!), so that's how I'm doing lunch this week. And later this week, I'm going to see if the deals are still on and stock up for the next few weeks.
- I am going to earn at least 35 activity points. That should be fairly easy with the above, but I'm still going to state it. Gives me something to mark off my to do list, which feeds confidence. :)
Okay, now that's what I am going to do. Here's what I'm going to achieve (a.k.a goals, but we don't like the g word)
- I am going to run under a 10 minute mile. At least twice. I ran 10:26.32 on Friday by a stop watch (you know that fancy new thing with the alarm) so I am going to consider that my PB. I am not certain I can calculate time run by song times accurately. So I'm throwing the 9:36 out the window. It is now something to achieve. In a few weeks.
- I am going to lose 1.4 pounds. That will put me back at my lowest weight to date (since November when I started WW).
- I am going to *hope/aim* for 2.2 which will bring me to 35 pounds lost. THAT would be a HUGE confidence booster, and will help for #4
- Before July 3rd (2 weeks from today) I am going to repeat this process, be ultra cool, and lose 5 pounds. It's a lofty one, but I am DETERMINED. Go ahead, try and stop me :)
So there you have it folks. Now I get to be accountable to all the www and have to make sure I can give a good report each day. And I will because this is my pride we're talking about. Oh dear sweet accountability. How I love thou.
Until next time,
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hello, Grand Central Station, How May I Help You?
Have you ever felt like you are the receptionist at the Grand Central Station? Every once in a while I get days like that. It makes them go by very quickly, but I am left very tired at the end. I do have to admit: it is awfully nice to be needed. Maybe too nice. It's one thing I struggle with: knowing when to put me first. It doesn't happen very often, but trust me, when it does, I'm very selfish about it. Very selfish. If I thought I could take a break from life and go somewhere cool (both temperature and otherwise) and just pick it all back up when I returned, I so would. Unfortunately, life moves on on both sides.
I have determined that I am completely incapable of of leaving work when I say I will (outside of normal days). I am scheduled out of the office at 12:30 today to use the remaining hours of vacation. When does my day turn from relaxingly busy to CrAzY? About, oh 11:15. Of course. One urgent thing after another and poof...what time do I leave the office? 1:38. When I left, my boss was threatening to decline my request for the 1/2 day so I bolted from her office and out the door. You would have thought I was being chased by something scary. :)
I am starting to feel particularly moody, temper-mental, and uninspired. I'm going to log off before I do damage :)
Until next time,
I have determined that I am completely incapable of of leaving work when I say I will (outside of normal days). I am scheduled out of the office at 12:30 today to use the remaining hours of vacation. When does my day turn from relaxingly busy to CrAzY? About, oh 11:15. Of course. One urgent thing after another and poof...what time do I leave the office? 1:38. When I left, my boss was threatening to decline my request for the 1/2 day so I bolted from her office and out the door. You would have thought I was being chased by something scary. :)
I am starting to feel particularly moody, temper-mental, and uninspired. I'm going to log off before I do damage :)
Until next time,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
That's on sale? I just paid full price for it last week?!?!
I could not find a more suitable title. Well, I probably could if I put more thought about it, but I will not dwell.
Okay, so yesterday, I ate 3 pieces of cake. bleh. It was all really good, but now I get to go track it all. I'm not looking forward to that. Luckily they were small pieces. I have now figured out why I ate all that cake. (Or at least my mind put pieces together - after my stomach did of course). Someone once told me that during the day we have a finite amount of will power and when it's all used up....well use your imagination. I always lose all my will power when I go shopping because of all the mental energy needed, and I went to Target on lunch yesterday, to get some food items (a double mental energy user), so you can imagine how the rest of my afternoon went. 3 pieces of cake is a hint. I think I have the solution. Go shopping at night. After dinner. And most definately after ice cream.
In addition to the food I got yesterday, I got a new watch. A digital one. With two bands. A velcro one and a plastic one. I got said watch with the intention of running this morning, so I could really time my mile run. Did I run this morning? No. Why? Because I did not even hear my alarm. Why? Well I don't know. Joy. So then I realize that said watch has an alarm on it. Could I have set it to make sure I got up this morning? Yes. Did I? Obviously not. We'll try again tonight. What is today? Thursday, oh good.
Until next time,
Okay, so yesterday, I ate 3 pieces of cake. bleh. It was all really good, but now I get to go track it all. I'm not looking forward to that. Luckily they were small pieces. I have now figured out why I ate all that cake. (Or at least my mind put pieces together - after my stomach did of course). Someone once told me that during the day we have a finite amount of will power and when it's all used up....well use your imagination. I always lose all my will power when I go shopping because of all the mental energy needed, and I went to Target on lunch yesterday, to get some food items (a double mental energy user), so you can imagine how the rest of my afternoon went. 3 pieces of cake is a hint. I think I have the solution. Go shopping at night. After dinner. And most definately after ice cream.
In addition to the food I got yesterday, I got a new watch. A digital one. With two bands. A velcro one and a plastic one. I got said watch with the intention of running this morning, so I could really time my mile run. Did I run this morning? No. Why? Because I did not even hear my alarm. Why? Well I don't know. Joy. So then I realize that said watch has an alarm on it. Could I have set it to make sure I got up this morning? Yes. Did I? Obviously not. We'll try again tonight. What is today? Thursday, oh good.
Until next time,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Amendment 1
I know there will be many amendments to things I say, so I am going to make it easier and number them. This is the first (of blog posts anyways).
When I said I hate goals, well I may have been incorrect. I made an informal goal to be able to run 1 mile by the end of my three newest songs. I normally run between a 12-14 minute mile; and this is running the whole time. I did the song math this morning and the three songs last 9:36. I said, okay, I can do this (eek). And how long did I run/walk (I know right?!) the 1 mile? 9:36. WOOT!!!
So I was thinking, how is it I can meet (almost) all the goals I set in my running, but not in weight loss? My first thought was well I can control the running, not the weight loss, that's up to chance. HA! Noooooooo! It's ALL me. It's that realization that is going to get me places. This is the moment I ask myself: How bad do you really want it? Well, BAD. So now I am going to make another goal: I want to be able to run the entire mile in 9:36, not run/walk, so that means slowing down from my pace this morning...or not and running it all in an even 9 minutes. One step at a time people.
Another mind thing: it's not nearly as hot outside when a)you are sweating madly already, and b)you are concentrating on staying alive while trying to sprint a mile. :)
Okay, so I think I am going to do another 5K. I found only about 100 happening between now and the end of the year. Lesson for the summer running: drink plenty of water; I don't think I can wait until September/October. Kinda nifty :)
And it turned out to be a gift that I've been awake since 0230 (that's 2:30AM for people on 12 hour time). It would happen that way.
By the way, the Groupon for the day is $30 worth for $15 at McFaddens. I've never been but heard it's excellent. I'm considering it. Maybe :)
Until next time,
When I said I hate goals, well I may have been incorrect. I made an informal goal to be able to run 1 mile by the end of my three newest songs. I normally run between a 12-14 minute mile; and this is running the whole time. I did the song math this morning and the three songs last 9:36. I said, okay, I can do this (eek). And how long did I run/walk (I know right?!) the 1 mile? 9:36. WOOT!!!
So I was thinking, how is it I can meet (almost) all the goals I set in my running, but not in weight loss? My first thought was well I can control the running, not the weight loss, that's up to chance. HA! Noooooooo! It's ALL me. It's that realization that is going to get me places. This is the moment I ask myself: How bad do you really want it? Well, BAD. So now I am going to make another goal: I want to be able to run the entire mile in 9:36, not run/walk, so that means slowing down from my pace this morning...or not and running it all in an even 9 minutes. One step at a time people.
Another mind thing: it's not nearly as hot outside when a)you are sweating madly already, and b)you are concentrating on staying alive while trying to sprint a mile. :)
Okay, so I think I am going to do another 5K. I found only about 100 happening between now and the end of the year. Lesson for the summer running: drink plenty of water; I don't think I can wait until September/October. Kinda nifty :)
And it turned out to be a gift that I've been awake since 0230 (that's 2:30AM for people on 12 hour time). It would happen that way.
By the way, the Groupon for the day is $30 worth for $15 at McFaddens. I've never been but heard it's excellent. I'm considering it. Maybe :)
Until next time,
What the ....?!?!?!
I really do not like goals. I mean, really do not like. There is always that feeling that if I set a goal, I will not be capable of completing it. Well here we go. 11 weeks ago, I set a goal. To lose 10% of my then current weight by 14 weeks, July 3rd. It was going to be a birthday present to myself. That 10% is equal to 19 pounds. How much have I lost in these 11 weeks? 5 pounds. Yes, I typed that correctly. 5 pounds. That comes out to less than 1/2 pound per week. How does this happen, you ask (don't worry, I'm asking too)? Well for starters, the next week after I set this goal, I gained 2 pounds. grrrr. After it took 2 full weeks to lose those 2 pounds, I had pretty normal losses for 4 weeks, a little over a pound for each week. Then what happens 4 weeks ago? I gained 4.6 pounds. double grrrr. It only took me two weeks to recover from that gain, which was miraculous since one of those weeks I ran my 5K and went to the meeting, having inhaled an apple, breakfast bar and two bottles of water and what happens? I lost 2.4. Good grief. Then last week I gained 0.6. Not catastrophic compared to 4.6, but it means I have not been consistently going in the right direction in the last 11 weeks. THAT is the frustrating part. Now I'm waiting for July 3rd to hurry up and get here so I can get back to my normal losing. Why, oh why do I even try to make benchmarks? OY VEY.
This is not the first time in this journey this has happened. I hit my 5% goal in 6 weeks. That's impressive considering it was 11 pounds. Then I made a goal: to hit my 10% goal in 12. What week did I hit my 10%? Week 14. Because as soon as I noticed the trend and made the goal (week 10) the next week I gain 1.2. Bloody infuriating.
Good news is, I completed a 5K recently and am now itching to do it again...and faster.
More good news, I had a sublime day yesterday. The day went by with a whoosh. I opened up an account at another bank and apparently have such good credit (thank you car payments) that I am a red carpet member. hehe :)
Well I'm going to go nap for an hour and break the separation between me and running. I need another 5K something terrible. Not having one impending is going to make me crazy. I think there's one July 4th............
Until next time,
This is not the first time in this journey this has happened. I hit my 5% goal in 6 weeks. That's impressive considering it was 11 pounds. Then I made a goal: to hit my 10% goal in 12. What week did I hit my 10%? Week 14. Because as soon as I noticed the trend and made the goal (week 10) the next week I gain 1.2. Bloody infuriating.
Good news is, I completed a 5K recently and am now itching to do it again...and faster.
More good news, I had a sublime day yesterday. The day went by with a whoosh. I opened up an account at another bank and apparently have such good credit (thank you car payments) that I am a red carpet member. hehe :)
Well I'm going to go nap for an hour and break the separation between me and running. I need another 5K something terrible. Not having one impending is going to make me crazy. I think there's one July 4th............
Until next time,
A Brief History
This blog will mostly be about my weight loss journey, but as author of this blog, I reserve the right to talk about other things too. Unfortunately, I did not think to start this blog 7 months (wow) ago when I started my weight loss journey, so you get a long diatribe of a summary of the events of the last 7 months in one post. So get ready. On Friday, October 30th, I stepped on the scale in my Doctor’s office and it said 228. I did a silent double-take. I was in denial. I’ve never weighed over 170 in my life, so this was a little bit of a shock. I had had blood work done about a week before my appointment, as I usually do for my yearly exam. Said blood work apparently came back with one interesting result. My cholesterol levels were mirroring that of a woman going through menopause. Wait, WHAT?!?!?! I am about 30 years too young to be in that situation so it caused some alarm. My Doctor proceeded to tell me that I need to stop making excuses for why I cannot lose the weight that plagues me and actually do something about it. Well then. I told him I had been considering Weight Watchers and he thought it was an excellent idea. I looked up where and when meetings took place in this area and found one close on Saturday mornings. I was scheduled to move the rest of my belongings out of my apartment the next day (Saturday) so I could not join that day. I joined the next week, November 7th, and when I stepped on the scale, it read 222.6 (which for all intensive purposes, I will use as my official start weight for loss amounts etc). WOOT! Since then, I have lost a total of 33.6 pounds. My chart looks a little like this:

Ignore the goal listed on this chart, that’s my next goal; it helps to see a line. As you can see, this journey has not been all downhill. That’s part of the challenge for everyone, not just me. This is also only part of the whole picture. Along the way, I am developing new habits, getting rid of the bad habits that put me in such a dire state. I am learning things that work and things that do not. It is all part of the process of learning about myself, which I am highly enjoying (for the most part really)! Until next time, :)
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