Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Plaid or polka dots?

I have to be cute and clever :)

I have noticed a pattern. When I eat WAY too much (a 25 point meal, for example), my body thanks me by being sick; you know how the word was originally intended. Anyways, I've been dealing with THAT this week so I've been a little out of place. Same thing (different effects) that happened two weeks ago. Do you see the same pattern I do? Too bad it took two times being sick for me to see it, but at least I see it now and have a couple weeks to come up with a plan. At least I think I do. I had better come up with a plan quick so I do not get ambushed.

The only exercise was the 1.25 miles I ran on Saturday (in under 13 minutes by the way!). And of course to try and be nice, I have altered my eating to only eat kind things, which means I was not allowed to eat the raw, crisp, juicy bell pepper I wanted with my toast, no butter, and jelly dinner. BOO. Oh well, my dinner was 3 points, so who's complaining? :)

So I made a good decision today. I had to be at work earlier than scheduled and I was running late (story of my life I swear) this morning, so I browsed quickly on the WW site and found I could substitute my Super Sonic Breakfast Burrito for the Jr Breakfast Burrito and save 2 dollars and 5 points. 8 points was a lot for a little tiny burrito, but surprisingly, I wasn't starving around lunchtime. I was adequately hungry. I feel pretty good about getting outside of my comfort zone too. I got to work 4 minutes before I was supposed to be there today (30 minutes earlier than normal) and it all went off without a hitch! Problems were fixed before they were crises and nothing interfered! Wonderful when that happens. It doesn't often happen that way for me, so I was on cloud 9. :)

On another subject, this is post #20! 20; I cannot believe it!!! How cool. I'll have to celebrate by reading 20 extra pages, or maybe 20 extra minutes, wait, at the pace I read, it's one and the same. I will not, however, be celebrating with food. :)

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. How about 20 compliments or 20 smiles to 20 people? You are an encouragement, thank you for sharing your journey:)
