Sunday, April 14, 2013

And that, my friends, is how it's done.

There's going to be a smidgen of girl talk in the first paragraph of this post so if you think that might not be fun, you've been warned... :)

This past week I was up against the feeling of slight defeat from the weight gain last week and because of er "hormone regulating" medication, my cycle starts exactly every 4 weeks on Friday.  When I say exactly, I mean more precise than a   Which is the day before I weigh in.  Yay.  So for the past few months, regardless of what I've done or not done, I gain a smidgen that week.  Luckily it's oober easy to lose the week after.  This week I busted my little hump and lost 1.4.  WOOT!  Now with that momentum, I can drive straight into this week and hit it out of the park.  Thought I'd throw that current sports reference cause I'm that cool. :)

After my fabulous weigh in, I went to the gym...for an hour!  Dude, it was awesome!  I did 35 minutes of cardio and about 30 minutes of weights/exercises.  The only thing I don't really like about the weight room is it's filled with boys trying to be all buff and they all have mean GRR faces.  Humph.  They take this working out business so seriously! Please.  Maybe it's true what Cyndi Lauper's song says: "Girls just wanna have FUN!" :)  To each his (or her!) own I suppose.  I have fun, so they can do whatever they want.  :)

Last night I couldn't get to sleep until 3:30, so as you can imagine I didn't even wake up until after 11 this morning and I was all groggy.  :|  I laid in bed for a few hours watching TV and then I finally got up for one go to the gym.  For another hour plus!  I'm really loving the gym.  I'm really feeling a lot stronger and I'm feeling like my muscles are starting to get back in shape and we'll just really be well off.  I'm at that point in my weight loss where my muscle strength is going to matter a lot!  I need to be as serious if not more about toning.  

I'm going to get on my soapbox for a minute, and because it's my blog, I can do that :)

I have several friends who joined weight watchers with 10-15 pounds to lose to get to their goal weight.  And do you know what they tell me the struggle they have is?  It's not losing the weight.  They struggle with the other people judging them for having so "little" to lose, that they can't feel accepted into a group of people dealing with the same issues.  It saddens me that people who have struggled with whatever weight loss journey can't accept that someone may have less to lose, but doesn't have any less of the struggle.  No one gets to be the person to judge someone else's journey as "less than".  It's theirs, not yours, not mine.  Everyone has their own struggles and their own ways of dealing with it.  It's like when people tell me I don't have almost 30 more pounds to lose.  I've had people be very adamant about it with me, try to argue with me.  I've gotten to the point where I thank them for the compliment and go about my business.  My secret is I dress well, so it's hard to I get that.  But no one gets to be the judge of what happens to my body.  That's all me.  And I'll do the same for you.  And for the record, I do have about 25-27 pounds to lose to get to goal.  

Okay, now I'm off my soapbox all together.  :)

With all this weight lifting and strength training, I have to remember my little speech above.  I am not invincible.  Rats!  I have my own limitations and journey and abilities, and those will never match the macho boys at the gym.  I know 5 pounds doesn't seem like much to be able to lift over my head, but how bout taking a gander at the 4 scars on my shoulder and cutting me some slack.  That last was meant mostly at myself.  I felt so weak doing the exercises with the 5 pound weights.  The simple fact is, that's all I can lift over my head!  That's the weakest motion I have.  I can do a rowing motion with almost 30 pounds, but that took a lot of time.  The truth is, I haven't really attempted motions going above my head in a while because I'm just so scared to death of hurting my shoulder, so I have some work to do.  Slow work, but I'll get there.  :)

I know I posted this somewhere, not sure if it was here, but I digress.  Starting May 1st, I have to be awake at 5:30 to go to work.  This semester I have been waking up closer to 8:30.  So I made a plan.  I wake up 7 minutes earlier every day and voila!  May 1, 5:30 is easy!  Well somehow last night I couldn't go to sleep until 3:30, so my whole day started about 4 hours too late.  To avoid starting that cycle again because I'm WIDE awake right now, I'm going to take something for a couple days to right my sleep schedule and give me the lead on this going to bed and getting up earlier thing.  I don't like to do this, and it was a last resort, but I can't be having these issues in 2 weeks.  

I think I'm going to pursue the option of breaking these longer posts up into multiple posts.  I'm just not really sure.  But I'll mull that over and figure something out.  :)

I think that's all for now.  I've got a good bit rolling around in the old noggin', and I'll more than likely be writing about it in the next couple of days, but for now, I'm going to change my sheets, wind down with a movie that will make me sob, and go to bed. :)

Until next time,

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