Sunday, January 30, 2011

The effect of upbeat music

I HIGHLY recommend upbeat music.  I don't care how I feel, upbeat, dance type music always makes me feel better.  Yes, I'm one of those white chicks that bobs her head hip hop type music.  And I'm not embarrassed.  It has a good beat!  Great to elliptical too as well.  I am really happy right now!  Having tons of fun dancing around my room like an idiot.  What's that saying?  Dance like no one's watching, something, something, something.  I don't remember.  I have it on a something that hangs on the wall.

On another note, I have found today that asking for help is a lot easier than I previously thought, and it makes me feel empowered.  I have a little learned to do it at work, but asking for help in my personal life was really hard.  I accepted help from my mom who said she would be happy to make me some brown rice for my lunches this week.  I almost didn't and did without, but my logical brain said I needed it for my typical lunch, which I'm really glad I have.  And no, contrary to popular belief, I've been eating it for most lunches for probably close to a year, and I'm not bored.  I have a variety in the veggies, so it's always interesting.  And easy.  Nice.  I digress.  I also asked my parents for help keeping me accountable to the hardest goal of this week: no fast food.  Lately, I've gotten in a really bad habit of eating a lot of fast food and justifying it.  No justifications.  No denial.  No fast food.  I'm also off soda, but not caffeine.  Five hour energy thank you very much.  And only around 2 in the afternoon when I think I'm going to die. 

And going back upbeat music, there is only one band (that I know of) that can make a song called "Misery" TONS of fun.  Yup, Maroon 5 all the way!  I'm a fan!  I'm now going to go pretend like I'm cool, sing into the label maker, fling my hair across my face like I'm in the Pantene commercial, and dance like no one's watching!

Until next time!

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