First off, let me say this. I feel great. Other than still being really run down from being sick. I feel confident, together, and I'm going in the right direction.
I lost 3 pounds this week!!! I'm back up to 30.4 total pounds lost! I think those three pounds was in mucus, but I digress. As I look back on this week, I realize that I made really good choices. I've really stopped the no fast food thing. I am simply making better choices at fast food places. I'm not going to lie: fast food is just that. Fast. And cheap. And my wallet needs a break sometimes too. So at KFC, I got two pieces of grilled chicken with green beans as a side. WOOT! At Sonic, I got a grilled chicken wrap. DOUBLE WOOT. I try to stay away from the Combos and drink water or tea, I'm coming back off of soda, and I feel great!
As far as being sick, I'm over most of the coughing, sneezing, nose running part of it. Now's the time where my body is recharging. So I'm not doing much. Resting and relaxing mostly. I don't have a ton of energy, but I am still nourishing myself, but am watching it since I'm not moving around at all.
I had no inspiration for a title, but I promise the next title will be clever :)
Until next time,
Where's Leeeeeeigh?