Four years ago, almost exactly, I stood on a scale in my doctor's office. It was the highest number I had ever seen on the scale and I didn't know what to say about it. Sure I could come up with excuses. The medicine I had been on started a downhill snowball into eating myself huge (at least to me). Bad relationships, good relationships, no relationships, all catalysts. Living alone, having a roommate: catalysts. I still remember the days when I could pop two bags of extra butter popcorn and eat both at the same time along with an entire bag of chocolate chips. And not get sick.
Back 4 years ago when I stood in my doctor's office I weighted 228 and he told me I was in danger. Danger of all kinds of health problems. High blood pressure, diabetes to begin with. That I had to lose a lot of weight. And fast.
So I did, I lost almost 50 pounds in 2 years. (yay!)
Then in the last two years the same catalysts arrived. Bad relationship: check. GREAT relationship: check (current one...). Bad bad roommates, good roommates. I had it all.
A week ago, I stood in my doctor's office once again. And the scale read 218. My blood pressure was 148/88 for the second time in a week. I do not have high blood pressure. Or at least I didn't before I gained the weight back. I'm sluggish and everything hurts. I'm starting over.
I just went online and renewed my meeting subscription. I picked an Monday evening meeting I'll start attending tomorrow night. It's on a night I'm not likely to have anything else.
I read an article recently click here (opens in new window). It's an eye opener. I had one of those moments when we had family over recently. There were pictures everywhere.
So cheers to starting over. And a new year. Whee.
Until next time,
Ah, but you're not fully starting over; you're starting 10 pounds lighter than last time! Best wishes, Leigh.