Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Time flies when you're....having fun?

Well well well.  It's been almost 2 years since my last post.  Funny how things work out.  

Let's do a quick recap: the last post my (now) H and I had just gotten engaged, we were about a year out from the wedding and I was excited about #sheddingforthewedding.

We ended up getting married May 8, 2015.  About 5 months later.  In premarital counseling, our officiant recommended moving it up because we were already behaving as a married couple so why wait?!  (NO WE WERE/ARE NOT PREGNANT). 

That ended up being awesome because the date we chose in January '16 we ended up being covered in 12" of ice and snow.  We're in the south, so as you can imagine we were under a state of emergency and bread and milk were nowhere to be found.

I managed to maintain my weight to fit in my wedding dress, but *BARELY*. You know those commercials where they show women doing every kind of acrobatics to fit into a pair of skinny jeans?  That's what I felt like.  NO BREATHING FOR YOU.

After we got married, I gained almost 20 pounds.  Ya know being happy (YAY we're married NO MORE WEDDING PLANNING) and all that.  :)

Pretty much maintained that for a few months.  Not trying, just so happened the number of calories I was eating was the maintenance calories for that weight.  Around 2500/day if I remember correctly, which I probably don't. ;)

It's easy to get caught up in the weeds and think that in over 18 months, literally nothing got accomplished.   But when I stop and think, a lot did happen, and most of it good, it just wasn't weight related.  

I'm now on a new journey and I will post more specific updates with all the new stuff coming soon.  

OH and did I mention we got a second cat?!?!?!  Coco (the original baby) on the right, Sebastian (the new baby) on the left.  They get along like they're out of the same litter. <3

Until next time,

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